Direct public phone link between US & Iran
Please join us on Saturday, January 19th, from 11 AM to 1 PM in City Hall Park, New York to take part in a direct US to Iran phone link.
This Martin Luther King Day weekend the Enough Fear campaign invites you to begin an important conversation between the citizens of Iran and the US in order to advance peace between our two countries. We will set up a phone bank in the park, with each phone connected to a volunteer in Iran. Anyone in City Hall Park will be invited to pick up a phone and start a conversation. A translator will be on each line to assist with short discussions between Americans and Iranians about their lives, their countries, their families, their beliefs.
(We're looking for Persian/English speaking translators and other volunteers - please contact us if you're interested in helping out during the event.)
Our goal is to initiate person-to-person diplomacy. If our leaders refuse to talk peacefully with each other, we will take the first step for them.
Please stop by to talk, and forward this email to your friends and family. We'll be setting up the phones on the sidewalk on Broadway near Barklay St and Park Place
For more information, visit or email
Information and press coverage of our first phone event is available at:>
Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.
This Martin Luther King Day weekend the Enough Fear campaign invites you to begin an important conversation between the citizens of Iran and the US in order to advance peace between our two countries. We will set up a phone bank in the park, with each phone connected to a volunteer in Iran. Anyone in City Hall Park will be invited to pick up a phone and start a conversation. A translator will be on each line to assist with short discussions between Americans and Iranians about their lives, their countries, their families, their beliefs.
(We're looking for Persian/English speaking translators and other volunteers - please contact us if you're interested in helping out during the event.)
Our goal is to initiate person-to-person diplomacy. If our leaders refuse to talk peacefully with each other, we will take the first step for them.
Please stop by to talk, and forward this email to your friends and family. We'll be setting up the phones on the sidewalk on Broadway near Barklay St and Park Place
For more information, visit or email
Information and press coverage of our first phone event is available at:>
Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.
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