
Friday, November 3, 2006
Time: 07:30 AM
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Please come and join us at Rutgers University for the 2006 Mehregan Party. It will be held on Friday November 3. There will be plenty of persian music, dancing, food, desserts, and drinks. Admission is 10$ at the door and it is located at the Livingston Student Center. We Hope you can join us. Don't Miss out on the fun!!!!

Directions to Livingston Student Center


Garden State Parkway Northbound

Travel Advisory:

The NJ Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) construction activities associated with the Route 18 Reconstruction project have begun in the New Brunswick area. As a result, drivers are likely to experience delays, traffic pattern changes and possible lane and road closures when traveling through the area. For more information related to the Route 18 Construction project, visit the Route 18 Update website at .

Turn off at Exit 105 and follow signs for Route 18 North. After approximately 24 miles, you will pass the entrance for the New Jersey Turnpike. Proceed along Route 18 North, crossing the Raritan River (approximately 3.7 miles). Continue on Route 18 North. Proceed on Route 18 north. Take the second exit marked Metlars Lane, Rutgers RAC, Livingston Campus. Make a right onto Avenue E before the light. Proceed on Avenue E and make the second left onto Rockafeller Road after passing the Rutgers University Health Services building. At the stop sign, make a right onto Joyce Kilmer Avenue. The Livingston Student Center will be on the right hand side. There is a bright blue awning in front.

Interstate 287

Travel Advisory:

The NJ Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) construction activities associated with the Route 18 Reconstruction project have begun in the New Brunswick area. As a result, drivers are likely to experience delays, traffic pattern changes and possible lane and road closures when traveling through the area. For more information related to the Route 18 Construction project, visit the Route 18 Update website at .

Turn off at Exit 9 “Bound Brook/Highland Park." Proceed East on River Road toward Highland Park. Continue on River Road and you will pass under the overpass for Route 18. Make the next left onto Route 18 North. Proceed on Route 18 north. Take the second exit marked Metlars Lane, Rutgers RAC, Livingston Campus. Make a right onto Avenue E before the light. Proceed on Avenue E and make the second left onto Rockafeller Road after passing the Rutgers University Health Services building. At the stop sign, make a right onto Joyce Kilmer Avenue. The Livingston Student Center will be on the right hand side. There is a bright blue awning in front.

New Jersey Turnpike

Travel Advisory:

The NJ Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) construction activities associated with the Route 18 Reconstruction project have begun in the New Brunswick area. As a result, drivers are likely to experience delays, traffic pattern changes and possible lane and road closures when traveling through the area. For more information related to the Route 18 Construction project, visit the Route 18 Update website at .

Turn off at Exit 9, bear right after the tollbooths and follow signs for “Route 18 North – New Brunswick.” Stay to the left to continue on Route 18 North. Proceed along Route 18 North, crossing the Raritan River (approximately 3.7 miles). Continue on Route 18 North. Proceed on Route 18 north. Take the second exit marked Metlars Lane, Rutgers RAC, Livingston Campus. Make a right onto Avenue E before the light. Proceed on Avenue E and make the second left onto Rockafeller Road after passing the Rutgers University Health Services building. At the stop sign, make a right onto Joyce Kilmer Avenue. The Livingston Student Center will be on the right hand side. There is a bright blue awning in front.

US Route 1

Travel Advisory:

The NJ Department of Transportation's (NJDOT) construction activities associated with the Route 18 Reconstruction project have begun in the New Brunswick area. As a result, drivers are likely to experience delays, traffic pattern changes and possible lane and road closures when traveling through the area. For more information related to the Route 18 Construction project, visit the Route 18 Update website at .

Turn off at exit marked “Route 18 North-New Brunswick." Proceed along Route 18 North, crossing the Raritan River (approximately 3.7 miles). Continue on Route 18 North. Proceed on Route 18 north. Take the second exit marked Metlars Lane, Rutgers RAC, Livingston Campus. Make a right onto Avenue E before the light. Proceed on Avenue E and make the second left onto Rockafeller Road after passing the Rutgers University Health Services building. At the stop sign, make a right onto Joyce Kilmer Avenue. The Livingston Student Center will be on the right hand side. There is a bright blue awning in front.

Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.


u3e5K8 hi good site thx

Posted by: bob at 2007-10-21 23:45:32

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-02 01:24:58

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-02 01:30:09

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-02 01:35:13

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