List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2004-04-17

    International Conference on the Iranian Diaspora, April 17

    Boston Saturday - April 17, 2004     08:30 AM

    The conference is a meeting point of academics,
    artists, young professionals, writers, students,
    filmmakers, and scientists who will be presenting on
    various aspects of the Diaspora. As Iranians in the
    Diaspora continue to build roots in their new
    countries and a generation of hyphenated Iranians
    (Iranian-Americans, British-Iranians, French-Iranians,
    etc.) enter their mid-twenties, the social and
    psychological implications of this new community need
    to be addressed.

    When: Saturday, April 17, 8:30 AM- 9:30Pm
    where: Saturday's (April 17) events will take place at Wellesley College.
    For traveling directions to Wellesley, please refer to:

    More info: IAAB's website at or contact the organizers at

    Acting Workshop

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - April 17, 2004     11:00 AM

    Golden Thread Productions, a San Francisco Theatre company dedicated to
    exploring the Middle Eastern culture and identity as represented
    throughout the globe, is offering a four-session acting workshop.

    Acting Workshops
    Improvising a Deeply Studied Scene with Torange Yeghiazarian

    Four Saturdays in April: 3, 10, 17, 24

    When: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM,
    Where: Z Space (131 Tenth St., San Francisco)

    UC Davis 90th annual Picnic Day

    California - Davis Saturday - April 17, 2004     01:00 PM

    The Iranian Student Cultural and Aesthetic Organization (ISCAO), along with four hundred other UC Davis student organizations will be tabling out on the quad, and there will be a number of cultural dance performances including a Bandari dance by ISCAO.

    UC Davis' Picnic Day is considered the largest student-run preview day in the entire nation with thousands of spectators and tons of fun-filled activities for the entire family...from a fashion show, to face painting and arts and crafts, to world food, music, dance and entertainmnent, a famous chemistry magic show, a doxie derby dog race, performances by the Cal Aggie Marching Band, a parade throughout the city of Davis, and lots lots more!!! But most important of all, come out and meet the Iranian students at UC Davis and watch them shake up the crowd with their famous Bandari dance performance in the newly constructed Activities and Recreation Center!!!!

    Where: ARC Plaza
    When: 2:00 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. ISCAO Iranian/Bandari dance

    If you have never been to a UC Davis Picnic Day, you are missing out!!!

    For more details check out the following websites:

    Women, Violence, and the possibility of social activism in present-day Iran

    Bay Area - East Bay Saturday - April 17, 2004     02:00 PM

    TOPIC: Women, Violence, and the possibility of social activism in present-day Iran
    GUEST: Sholeh Shahrokhi Ph.D. Candidate Social/Cultural Anthropology Berkeley
    WHEN: Saturday April 17
    TIME: 2 - 5 PM
    LOCATION: Meeting Room
    Claremont Branch Library
    2940 Benvenue Ave
    Berkeley, CA 94705
    DIRECTION: From San Jose, Taking I-880 N
    I-880 N becomes I-880 N/CA-84 W.
    Take I-980 E towards WALNUT CREEK
    Merge onto I-980 E.
    Take CA-24 E towards BERKELEY/WALNUT
    Merge onto CA-24 E.
    Take the CLAREMONT AVENUE exit.
    Turn LEFT onto ASHBY AVE/CA-13.
    Turn LEFT onto BENVENUE AVE.

    Movie MIT PSA: Adam Barfi

    Boston Saturday - April 17, 2004     03:15 PM

    Adam Baarfi

    When: Sat, April 17, 2004 3:15 PM
    Where: MIT main building ROOM: 4-237

    Historical perspective of major Islamic events after Hazrate Mohammad (pbuh)

    Bay Area - South Bay Saturday - April 17, 2004     07:30 PM

    Program Date: Saturday April 17
    Quest speaker: Dr. Mohammad Bagher Bazaei
    Topic: Historical perspective of major Islamic events after Hazrate Mohammad (pbuh)
    Program start time: 7:30 PM

    Dr. Mohammad Bagher Bazaei attended various theological and Islamic seminaries (Hausehay-e Elmiaya) in Iran since childhood and graduated from the National University of Iran in the field of Political and Social Science with an emphasis on Islamic studies in 1978. Bazaei obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from University of California at Santa Barbara in 1991 (in conjunction with UC Berkeley) with strong emphasis on the religious studies and Islamic theology, history, and civilization. He has been teaching, lecturing, and conducting research on the subjects of "Islam and political development," "Classical and modern Islamic Political Thought," "Comparative Religions and Judeo-Christian and Islamic Theology," and sociology of religion at the University of California and other institutions. He is a Senior Commentator and
    Talk-Show host of a Sunday morning program called "Cultural and Religious Issues" for satellite and cable-based Melli TV which is broadcasted globally both in Farsi and English. Bazaei is also a
    speaker and lecturer at the IMAN Foundation.

    For more information check

    Persian Boat Party

    Bay Area Saturday - April 17, 2004     08:00 PM

    Persian Boat Party – Saturday, April 17th


    Saturday, April 17th @ 2990 Main St. Alameda, California

    Come celebrate the end of MCAT’s ;) at a boat party you will surely never forget! Tickets are on sale now, please contact Korosh Shakeri at 510-917-3835 or for ticket information. Hurry space is limited and tickets are going fast!

    Shahram K (Concert)

    Europe - Germany Saturday - April 17, 2004     09:00 PM

    Shahram K (Concert): 17. April 2004 - Cologne (Koeln), Germany, Info: 0163-597 1166

    Afghan Student Association Party

    Bay Area - East Bay Saturday - April 17, 2004     10:00 PM

    Afghan Student Association Party (4.17.04)

    Afghan Student Association of UC Berkeley Presents:

    Shabeh Nur The Evening of Light

    Afghan, Arabic, Persian, Bhangra, Hip Hop and International Music

    Saturday April 17th 2004 @ Afghan Oasis/ Lucre Lounge

    2086 Allston Way Berkeley, CA 94704

    Ticket Price: $15
    Guest List: $10 till 11pm, $15 after
    To be on guestlist, email by April 17th Noon

    Afghan Oasis is 18+/ Lucre Lounge is 21+

    For more info go to:

    A night of dance and music

    Boston Saturday - April 17, 2004     10:15 PM

    Iranian Alliances Across Borders is proud to present a night of music and
    dancing, this Saturday. Haale and her ensemble will perform their unique blend of New
    York and Persian beats for a mesmerizing performance you will not forget. Then DJ Delbar will spin the best of Persian, Arabic, International and Hip-Hop beats.

    When: Saturday, April 17 ,10:15pm
    Where: Tthe Bayside Expo Center in Boston.
    Ticket: $12 entrance fee, dance until 1:00 AM!
    Questions? Contact
    Across the street from the Red Line's UMass/JFK T-Stop

    **All IAAB conference attendees will have free admission and
    transportation provided to and from the event
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