PASHA - MCAT/DAT + Med/Dental School Application Counseling Forum
Time: 06:00 PM
5280 Boelter Hall
Los Angeles

"The time has come for preparations"
Event Info Host: PASHA
Type: Education - Workshop
Network: Global
Time and Place Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: MCAT/Med School (5280 Boelter Hall) - DAT/Dental School (5419 Boelter Hall)
City/Town: Los Angeles, CA
Contact Info Email: Aria Vazirnia -
DescriptionAs many pre-health students know, MCAT/DAT scores weigh heavily in graduate school admissions. Come to our general meeting to learn how to prepare for these exams. Also, a representative from Kaplan will be present at our meeting (on UCLA campus) as we hold a raffle for TWO 50% off Kaplan prep courses.
Since June is the big month for the submission of applications, it is imperative that pre-med/pre-dental students begin thinking about the application process. Come to our meeting to learn about TIPS AND TRICKS on application process in order to compile an IMPRESSIVE APPLICATION
When: Tuesday February 17th @ 6 PM
Where: MCAT/Med School: 5280 Boelter Hall
DAT/Dental School: 5419 Boelter Hall
For more information check out our website (
or Email Aria Vazirnia at:
Meeting is open to all students and refreshments will be provided.
Posted by PASHA .
Reviewed/approved by talieshah -.
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Posted by: 妖姫: 淫インモラル: at 2013-09-27 23:17:17巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: インモラル: 淫インモラル 販売: インモラル 販売: 媚薬 淫イン モラル: 媚薬 インモラル: 妖姫: 妖姫 販売: 妖姫 媚薬: 妖姫 通販: 蟻力神: 五便宝: VigRx : ビグレックス: vigRx oil: キョジンバイゾウ: ウェイカワン: イカオウ: SPANISCHE FLIEGE:
Posted by: 巨人倍増: 淫インモラル: イ at 2013-09-27 23:41:41
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Posted by: 精力剤 at 2013-03-14 21:48:18