Farsi Bible Study and Church Service

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Time: 06:28 PM
Calvary Temple International A/G
1111 Preakness Ave
Wayne, New Jersey
Phone: 973-694-2938 ext448
Email: mansour10@juno.com
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Join us every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 2pm to 4pm for
Bible study, Church service and a time of fellowship and
refreshments. This invitation is for the entire family. The
service will be in Farsi with English translation. Please be
encouraged to bring your Bibles. If you do not have a Bible
kindly contact us and we will provide one for you.

Posted by Persians for Christ.
Reviewed/approved by mansour etemadipour.


how may I get a bible in farsi-english? please guide me tahnx

Posted by: FROM IRAN at 2009-01-01 15:03:25

My beloved Christian brothers and sisters From the island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4,5) Man has a Divine Inheritance and a Divine Destination. The Heavenly Kingdom is NOT a PLACE but a way of being. Please allow me to share some important information that is 2000 years old on the first Christian Church that I think you will be interested to know about Salvation and the Heavenly Kingdom. According to the Holy Fathers of the first Christian Church, Salvation otherwise known as Sainthood deals with the THERAPY of the ill begotten heart (Matthew 15:19) “For from his heart come the evil ideas which lead him to kill, commit adultery, and do other immoral things; to rob, lie, and slander and others.”, that can only be attained through the Holy Sacraments of the Church as created by the Apostles, and not through the true faith and love emotions developed as an result from the reading or the hearing of the Holy Bible that was delivered by the Church at a much later time “as the books the Christians were to read as part of this therapy”. The misconception of “being good” can lead to Salvation would make the sacrifice of our Lord “needles” for many are/were good including the prophets of the old Testament who weren’t saved. (The Church teaches that the prophets and all who were good followed Lord Jesus out of Hades after He had preached there for three days before His resurrection). From the very beginning of its creation the Holy Fathers have taught that the Church is an inheritance divinely begotten. (Colossians 1. 18) “He is the head of His Body the Church; he is the source of his body’s life». So the Church is divinely begotten because it is the Divine Body of our Lord. Salvation can only begin by Baptism through which sins are forgiven and man UNITES their self with the Divine Body of our Lord. To become members of this Church (unite with His Divine Body) it only reasonable that we understand that we need THE TYPE BAPTISM PRESCRIBED BY THE APOSTLES (that was divinely begotten) for only God (the Holy Spirit) could teach the apostles the circumstances under which God would accept this UNION with His human beings creations. This UNION with God makes our struggle for perfection a condition (Sainthood) that will lead to our Divine destination. (Galatians 3:27) “You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, with the life of Christ himself” Baptism unites man with his Creator God, by restoring man to Gods likeness, (Holiness) granting him this way the opportunity from here on earth to achieve immortality, otherwise known as Eternal life or Sainthood. (Galatians 20:20) “So that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me». The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place but a way of being and Lord Jesus asks this personally from all of us in (Peter 1, 16). “Be Holy because I am Holy”. The Holy Sacraments One of the Churches most important Sacraments is the Mystery of Baptism. During the Baptism all sins are forgiven and the person becomes a member of the body of Christ. Baptism is also called a “Mystery” from the very beginning of the creation of the Church because, “we as human beings do not know or understand how Lord Jesus removes sins. It is a mystery to us”! That is why all Holy Sacraments are all described as “Mysteries of the Church”. The first Bishops in the Church It is a historical fact (that is probably unknown to you) that some of the Apostles and some of Jesus friends became Bishops to serve His Church after the Lords resurrection The Lords New founded Church that was to be a world wide organization would have been impossible to function in the absence of rules and regulations (think about it) and so the Apostles wrote 85 Holy Apostolic Cannons to provide her with some. http://aggreen.net/canons/canons.html Proof of the existence and purpose of these 85 Holy Apostolic Cannons that the Church still follows today that were to describe structure, rules and morality, comes from studying the LIVES and the ACTIONS of the Apostles and some of Lord Jesus beloved friends who dedicated their lives to Him (after Resurrection) by being Bishops in His Church. Lazarus the resurrected friend of Lord Jesus was a Cyprus Bishop for 32 years. (Come see his sepulchre) James, the brother of Jesus (the son of Joseph) was the first Bishop of Jerusalem. Mark (the Evangelist who had Cypriot parents), who came to Cyprus with Paul (Acts 13:4,5) became the first Bishop of Alexandria Zackhaios ( Luke 19: 1,10,) followed Paul and afterwards became the Bishop of Caesarea. The Church celebrates him as Saint and an isapostle (equal the Apostles) the 20 of April each year! It is also a historical fact (please study history of the Christian Church) that the Church that delivered the Holy Bible was the only Christian Church around up until the schism till the year1054. At that horrible moment in time, all those who wanted to honor ALL the decisions of ALL Seven Ecumenical Synods, to keep the Same Church Traditions and all the Same Saints, took the name Orthodox. The name Ortho-dox is composed from two Greek words. “Otrtho” means correct, and “dox “comes from the Greek word doxasia with means “to praise”. The word Orthodox means “The correct way to Praise God”! By all the means that characterize a decision of justice, if one of the Apostles were alive today he would definitely belong to the Greek Orthodox Church! Divine Liturgy (Thanks) The main reason of performing Divine Liturgy from the very begging of the creation of the Church (remember the catacombs) was to perform the Mystery of Holy Communion. During this Mystery, the “gifts” that the Christians bring which are wine and the bread, turn mysteriously into the blood and the flesh of Lord Jesus. Holy Communion is described in (John 6, 54) to be the most essential precondition for Eternal life. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on that last day". It is well known by those who study Orthodox Christianity, that God has allowed many of His priests that where worthy, to see the Body (flesh) and the blood of Lord Jesus in the Holy Chalice through out the history of the Church. There are other Saints that have told us, that during this Mystery, Lord Jesus who is seen in the Holy chalice surrounded by Divine Light is taken down entirely during consumption of the Holy Communion! Holy Communion is also described or known as the “medicine of Immortality” for it is with the aid of the Body and Blood of Christ Christians arrive slowly-slowly to the “supernatural state”, or the “likeness of God”, known as Holiness or Sainthood. (Of course as you know this happens only if someone’s entire life is also accompanied with “pleasing to God” deeds. This supernatural state is begotten when God makes man His own Temple thus earning him ETERNAL LIFE. (1Corinthians 6:19) “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God”? The Church It is important to mentally establish here that, when Paul was writing his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians and all the others, he was not referring to Christians who “worship by the faith feelings induced by hearing the Word of God” as practiced in the Western Christian world today, because the Holy Bible was nowhere to be found yet. Paul was referring to Christians that already belonged to specific Churches, that were functioning on specific Church rules and regulations that were Apostolic and common everywhere. 2nd Corinthians 1:1 ”From Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by Gods will, and from our brother Timothy- To the Church of God in Corinth, and to all Gods people throughout Achaia: May God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace”. So during his life time Paul (and the rest of the Apostles) was talking to Christians already belonging to a Church and not only that. In (Ephesians 4, 5) Paul is very specific as to the will of God regarding His Church. “One Church, One Faith and One Baptism”! Today we read about the One Baptism, we read about the One Church in the Holy Bible, but WE ARE NOT TOLD HOW. The answer is Holy Tradition (Paradosis) and we will see how. Please also note that in his letters, Paul does not mention the Holy Bible anywhere. In the ABSENCE of the Holy Bible, Christians are baptized (redeemed from sin) through the Holy Tradition of the Church that was made from the “know how” begotten by the Apostles at Pentecost as a Revelation from God. This was the reason why, the Church was able to immediately start producing Saints in the absence of the Holy Bible. The Life Saving Practices of the Church lie in her Holy Sacraments that imply the direct involvement of Goodman Lord Jesus as Height Priest (Hebrew 5:5). (Read the next sentences carefully please). Everything done in the Church for our Salvation was delivered by the Apostles and it took then the name “ Paradosis” which derives from the Greek verb “paradono” which means “to personally hand deliver something”. This word was unfortunately replaced (translated) by the word “Tradition” which means “something that is usually done” that does represent the original meaning of the text in the English versions of the Holy Bible, by people who probably did not know any Greek or did not understand its meaning. Holy Tradition (Iera Paradosis) The Greek word Paradosis means “lesson, to transfer, and or to personally give”. It also implies that the knowledge was handed down personally, and that it was specific. In his letters to Thessalonians, Corinthians and Philippians Paul is addressing the Christians as the FOUNDER of their Church and not as a plain fellow Christian. As the creator of their Church he continuously stresses out the IMPORTANCE of following Paradosis “what the Apostles preached, and the Church received”, for this knowledge was the indisputable Divine begotten WILL of God as to man’s way to Salvation. VERSES in Holy Bible ABOUT PARADOSIS (TRADITION). Notice here please: The Greek word “Paradosis” (next 3 verses) to three different Churches which in biblical terms means “what the apostles preached and the Church received”, is taken out and replaced in the English versions with similar words that fail to ACCENT on the real reason of the praise of the Apostle which was the encouragement for the correct up keeping of “what he preached and the Church received”. Ιn 2 Thessal 2:15 the Greek word Paradodis “what the apostles preached and the Church received” is replaced with the word truth. “So then, our brothers and sisters stand firm and hold on to those “truths” which we taught you, both in our preaching and in our letter” It should be obvious, that word “truth” in this verse “commonly suggests” that: 1) Paul is referring to “Christian knowledge commonly known and accepted”, 2) it excludes to inform as to the fact that this knowledge (the truth) was personally delivered (paradosis), and 3) it fails to pass on to he who studies that the “truth” that he is referring to was the Divine begotten WILL of God to In Church practices as to the way for Salvation. In 1 Corinth 11:2 The word Paradosis is replaced with the word teachings. “I praise you because you always remember me and follow the “teachings” that I have handed on to you. If the “teachings” that Paul is referring to in this verse does not reffer “point out” to the teachings “he preached and the Church received” and also does not refer to the Holy Bible that was nowhere to be found yet, what exactly are the “teachings” that he is talking about that he is praising them for following ??? Phillip. 4:9 “Put into practice what you learnt and “received” from me, both from my words and from my actions”. In this verse the word Paradosis is replaced once more with the word “received”. We have to remind you again that Paul is writing a letter to the Church of the Philippians to Bishops and clergy and not only to simple Christians. The verse starts with “put into practice” and it finishes with “what you learnt and received from me, both from my words and from my actions”. Isn’t the verse “secretly describing” the presence of the word Paradosis here “what the apostles preached and the Church received”? In the above 3 verses Paul, gives the Church encouragement and praise by letter, for up keeping correctly Paradosis (Tradition) concerning the WILL of God as to Church practices for the Salvation of man begotten by the Holy Spirit the moment of the creation of the Church at Pentecost. Acts 2-3- AND THERE APPEARED UNTO THEM CLOVEN TONGUES LIKE AS OF FIRE AND IT SAT UPON EACH OF THEM. Acts 2-4- AND THEY WERE ALL FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND BEGAN TO SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE. The gift of speaking in tongs was only a very small part of the gifts and knowledge given, so that the apostles could establish the Lords Church as He directed everywhere in the world without communication problems. The Gospels and Paradosis (Tradition) Church historians inform us that the Gospel of Mark was delivered to the Church approximately at 49 AC, and it was the first one delivered. Mark was a student of Peter who handed down the Gospel to him (Paradosis “personally handed down”) who in turn delivered it to the Church. The Gospel of Luke, (who was a student of Paul) was delivered (Paradosis “personally handed down”) to him by Paul, and was later delivered by Luke to the Church approximately the year 63 AC. If for example I started to ask you “who wrote the gospel of Matthew”? Your answer would be Matthew. If I ask you then “who told you”? Your answer would “the Holy Bible” This answer is not correct because in essence it is Church Tradition who told us! If I also started to ask you to tell me things that are not mentioned in the Holy Bible like the “place” of acquiring the historical information concerning the different areas of the world the apostles preached and the type martyrdom they went to… what would be your answer? The answer is the Paradosis (Holy Tradition) passed down in the Church. Church Places History and Facts: Trying to discover (Ephesians 4, 5) “One Church, One Faith and One Baptism” - At Mount Sinai where Moses talked to God there is an Orthodox Monastery today. Why Orthodox? - The cave where John wrote Apocalypses on the Greek island of Patmos belongs to an Orthodox Monastery there. Why Orthodox? -At the sight where the column Paul was flogged in the island of Cyprus there is a Greek Orthodox Church named Saint Kyriaki. Why Orthodox? - Today on the top of Jacob’s well (shaft) in Jerusalem, there is an Orthodox Church named Saint Elijah. Why Orthodox? - Both the Temples of the Holy Sepulcher! and the Temple of Nativity! that were build by the queen mother of Saint Constantine who was the first Emperor of the Byzantium 3rd century, are working Orthodox Temples today! Why Orthodox? - The main Temple of the Resurrection that is located across the entrance of the Holy Sepulcher both held by the Orthodox Church, there are 2 ancient Bishop Thrones, one for the Patriarch and one for the other Bishops that are still in use during daily Divine Liturgy today. Why Orthodox? - In Connecticut in the silence of Cockaponset State Forest in South Connecticut near the village Guilford you can find the most ancient Christian Church of South America that is masterly carved in stone. Proof that derives from the epigraphy on the Church, show that it was build 1500 years ago by Orthodox Christian monks that arrived from the Greek Byzantine who escaped by ship from North Africa during the invasion of the Vandals. There are many Greek cups drawn (in a shape of a bowl) that are surrounded with pure Christian symbols or the monogram of Christ, with baptistery, candle holders, a Bishop throne or chair, and a Holy bema. The Church was there 800 years before Colombo discovered America. Why Orthodox? - The presence of God “Holy Light” that is experienced in the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for 1670 years, takes place ONLY ON ORTHODOX SUTURDAY EASTER during the Churches Divine Liturgy. This next year it will take place 12 noon like always 2009 18 April. Why Orthodox? With all the love and respect that I can possibly give to all of you fellow Christians who have expectations from Lord Jesus, please know that Lord Jesus has expectations from you too! Find out those expectations by looking closer at the lives and the times of the Apostles and the history of the Church that delivered the Holy Bible to your hands for Your Salvation. The only proud claim of the Orthodox Church today besides the presence of thousands of Saints in her 2000 history, is that SHE (the Church) has kept everything delivered by the Apostles from the beginning of the creation of the Church for the Salvation (therapy) of man UNCHANGED. Also keep in mind that if you have great great grandmothers and grandfathers that were Christian before the year 1054, they were surly Orthodox Christians! The Church as delivered by the Apostles is not black, or white, or yellow, it belongs to no country, and it described as a personal journey of Salvation for each and every Christ loving individual. TheOrthodoxFaith ORTHODOX-PSYCHOTHERAPY http://www.greekorthodoxchurch.org/orthodox_psychotherapy.html Read in the article “Why Cyprus is called the island of the Saints” http://kainh.homestead.com/Cyprus.html why Sainthood is not a moral or an ethical term but an ontological transformation than can be verified on the remains of the Churches Saints after death and after exhuming their bodies I belong to no organization and no one pays me. I will be glad to hear from you. Please remember to also pray for me. God bless and take care. Respectfully your friend and servant allays Constantinos

Posted by: james wiliams at 2009-02-11 06:42:10

My beloved Christian brothers and sisters From the island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4,5) -Man has a Divine Inheritance and a Divine Destination- -The Heavenly Kingdom is NOT a PLACE but a way of being- Please allow me to share some important information that is 2000 years old on the first Christian Church that I think you will be interested to know about Salvation and the Heavenly Kingdom. According to the Holy Fathers of the first Christian Church, Salvation otherwise known as Sainthood deals with the THERAPY of the ill begotten heart (Matthew 15:19) “For from his heart come the evil ideas which lead him to kill, commit adultery, and do other immoral things; to rob, lie, and slander and others.”, that can only be attained through the Holy Sacraments of the Church as created by the Apostles, and not through the true faith and love emotions developed as an result from the reading or the hearing of the Holy Bible that was delivered by the Church at a much later time “as the books the Christians were to read as part of this therapy”. The misconception of “being good” can lead to Salvation would make the sacrifice of our Lord “needles” for many are/were good including the prophets of the old Testament who weren’t saved. (The Church teaches that the prophets and all who were good followed Lord Jesus out of Hades after He had preached there for three days before His resurrection). From the very beginning of its creation the Holy Fathers have taught that the Church is an inheritance divinely begotten. (Colossians 1. 18) “He is the head of His Body the Church; he is the source of his body’s life». So the Church is divinely begotten because it is the Divine Body of our Lord. In continuing, Salvation road can only begin by Baptism through which sins are forgiven and man UNITES their self with the Divine Body of our Lord. To become members of Christ’s Church (unite with His Divine Body) it only reasonable that we understand that we need THE TYPE BAPTISM PRESCRIBED BY THE APOSTLES (that was divinely begotten) for only God (the Holy Spirit) could teach the apostles the circumstances under which God would accept this UNION with His human beings creations. This UNION with God makes our struggle for perfection a condition (Sainthood) that will lead to our Divine destination. (Galatians 3:27) “You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, with the life of Christ himself” Baptism unites man with his Creator God, by restoring man to Gods likeness, (Holiness) granting him this way the opportunity from here on earth to achieve immortality, otherwise known as Eternal life or Sainthood. (Galatians 20:20) “So that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me». The Heavenly Kingdom is not a place but a way of being and Lord Jesus asks this personally from all of us in (Peter 1, 16). “Be Holy because I am Holy”. The Holy Sacraments One of the Churches most important Sacraments is the Mystery of Baptism. During the Baptism all sins are forgiven and the person becomes a member of the body of Christ. Baptism is also called a “Mystery” from the very beginning of the creation of the Church because, “we as human beings do not know or understand how Lord Jesus removes sins. It is a mystery to us”! That is why all Holy Sacraments are all described as “Mysteries of the Church”. The first Bishops in the Church It is a historical fact (that is probably unknown to you) that some of the Apostles and some of Jesus friends became Bishops to serve His Church after the Lords resurrection The Lords New founded Church that was to be a world wide organization would have been impossible to function in the absence of rules and regulations (think about it) and so the Apostles wrote 85 Holy Apostolic Cannons to provide her with some. http://aggreen.net/canons/canons.html Proof of the existence and purpose of these 85 Holy Apostolic Cannons that the Church still follows today that were to describe structure, rules and morality, comes from studying the LIVES and the ACTIONS of the Apostles and some of Lord Jesus beloved friends who dedicated their lives to Him (after Resurrection) by being Bishops in His Church. Lazarus the resurrected friend of Lord Jesus was a Cyprus Bishop for 32 years. (Come see his sepulchre) James, the brother of Jesus (the son of Joseph) was the first Bishop of Jerusalem. Mark (the Evangelist who had Cypriot parents), who came to Cyprus with Paul (Acts 13:4,5) became the first Bishop of Alexandria Zackhaios ( Luke 19: 1,10,) followed Paul and afterwards became the Bishop of Caesarea. The Church celebrates him as Saint and an isapostle (equal the Apostles) the 20 of April each year! It is also a historical fact (please study history of the Christian Church) that the Church that delivered the Holy Bible was the only Christian Church around up until the schism till the year1054. At that horrible moment in time, all those who wanted to honor ALL the decisions of ALL Seven Ecumenical Synods, to keep the Same Church Traditions and all the Same Saints, took the name Orthodox. The name Ortho-dox is composed from two Greek words. “Otrtho” means correct, and “dox “comes from the Greek word doxasia with means “to praise”. The word Orthodox means “The correct way to Praise God”! By all the means that characterize a decision of justice, if one of the Apostles were alive today he would definitely belong to the Greek Orthodox Church! Divine Liturgy (Thanks) The main reason of performing Divine Liturgy from the very begging of the creation of the Church (remember the catacombs) was to perform the Mystery of Holy Communion. During this Mystery, the “gifts” that the Christians bring which are wine and the bread, turn mysteriously into the blood and the flesh of Lord Jesus. Holy Communion is described in (John 6, 54) to be the most essential precondition for Eternal life. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them to life on that last day". It is well known by those who study Orthodox Christianity, that God has allowed many of His priests that where worthy, to see the Body (flesh) and the blood of Lord Jesus in the Holy Chalice through out the history of the Church. There are other Saints that have told us, that during this Mystery, Lord Jesus who is seen in the Holy chalice surrounded by Divine Light is taken down entirely during consumption of the Holy Communion! Holy Communion is also described or known as the “medicine of Immortality” for it is with the aid of the Body and Blood of Christ Christians arrive slowly-slowly to the “supernatural state”, or the “likeness of God”, known as Holiness or Sainthood. (Of course as you know this happens only if someone’s entire life is also accompanied with “pleasing to God” deeds. This supernatural state is begotten when God makes man His own Temple thus earning him ETERNAL LIFE. (1Corinthians 6:19) “Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God”? The Church It is important to mentally establish here that, when Paul was writing his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians and all the others, he was not referring to Christians who “worship by the faith feelings induced by hearing the Word of God” as practiced in the Western Christian world today, because the Holy Bible was nowhere to be found yet. Paul was referring to Christians that already belonged to specific Churches, that were functioning on specific Church rules and regulations that were Apostolic and common worldwide. 2nd Corinthians 1:1 ”From Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by Gods will, and from our brother Timothy- To the Church of God in Corinth, and to all Gods people throughout Achaia: May God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace”. So during his life time Paul (and the rest of the Apostles) was talking to Christians already belonging to a Church and not only that. In (Ephesians 4, 5) Paul is very specific as to the will of God regarding His Church. “One Church, One Faith and One Baptism”! Today we read about the One Baptism, we read about the One Church but WE ARE NOT TOLD HOW to do neither by reading the Holy Bible. However there are a few verses in the Holy Bible that point out to the source as to where we can find this information. In the ABSENCE of the Holy Bible, Christians are baptized (redeemed from sin) and perform Divine Liturgy through the Holy Tradition of the Church that was put together from the “know how” begotten by the Apostles at Pentecost as a Revelation from God. This was the reason why, the Church was able to immediately start producing Saints in the absence of the Holy Bible. The Life Saving Practices of the Church lie in her Holy Sacraments that imply the direct involvement of Goodman Lord Jesus as Height Priest (Hebrew 5:5). (Read the next sentences carefully please). Paradosis Everything done in the Church for our Salvation was delivered by the Apostles and it took then the name “ Paradosis” which derives from the Greek verb “paradono” which means “to personally hand deliver something”. This word was unfortunately replaced (translated) by the word “Tradition” which means “something that is usually done” that does represent the original meaning of the text in the English versions of the Holy Bible, by people who probably did not know any Greek or did not understand its meaning. Holy Tradition (Iera Paradosis) The Greek word Paradosis means “lesson, to transfer, and or to personally give”. It also implies that the knowledge was handed down personally, and that it was specific. In his letters to Thessalonians, Corinthians and Philippians Paul is addressing the Christians as the FOUNDER of their Church and not as a plain fellow Christian. As the creator of their Church he continuously stresses out the IMPORTANCE of following Paradosis “what the Apostles preached, and the Church received”, for this knowledge was the indisputable Divine begotten WILL of God as to man’s way to Salvation. VERSES in Holy Bible ABOUT PARADOSIS (TRADITION). Notice here please: The Greek word “Paradosis” (next 3 verses) to three different Churches which in biblical terms means “what the apostles preached and the Church received”, is taken out and replaced in the English versions with similar words that fail to ACCENT on the real reason of the praise of the Apostle which was the encouragement for the correct up keeping of “what he preached and the Church received”. Ιn 2 Thessal 2:15 the Greek word Paradodis “what the apostles preached and the Church received” is replaced with the word truth. “So then, our brothers and sisters stand firm and hold on to those “truths” which we taught you, both in our preaching and in our letter” It should be obvious, that word “truth” in this verse commonly suggests that: 1) Paul is referring to “Christian knowledge commonly known and accepted”, 2) it excludes to inform as to the fact that this knowledge (the truth) was personally delivered (paradosis), and 3) it fails to pass on to he who studies that the “truth” that he is referring to was the Divine begotten WILL of God to In Church practices as to the way for Salvation. In 1 Corinth 11:2 The word Paradosis is replaced with the word teachings. “I praise you because you always remember me and follow the “teachings” that I have handed on to you. If the “teachings” that Paul is referring to in this verse does not refer “point out” to the teachings “he preached and the Church received” and also does not refer to the Holy Bible that was nowhere to be found yet, what exactly are the “teachings” that he is talking about that he is praising them for following ??? Phillip. 4:9 “Put into practice what you learnt and “received” from me, both from my words and from my actions”. In this verse the word Paradosis is replaced once more with the word “received”. We have to remind you again that Paul was writing a letter to the Church of the Philippians to her Bishops and clergy and not only to simple Christians. The verse starts with “put into practice” and it finishes with “what you learnt and received from me, both from my words and from my actions”. Isn’t the verse “secretly” describing the presence of the word Paradosis here “what the apostles preached and the Church received”? In the above 3 verses Paul, gives the Church encouragement and praise by letter, for up keeping correctly Paradosis (Tradition) concerning the WILL of God as to Church practices for the Salvation of man begotten by the Holy Spirit the moment of the creation of the Church at Pentecost. Acts 2-3- AND THERE APPEARED UNTO THEM CLOVEN TONGUES LIKE AS OF FIRE AND IT SAT UPON EACH OF THEM. Acts 2-4- AND THEY WERE ALL FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND BEGAN TO SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE. The gift of speaking in tongs was only a very small part of the gifts and knowledge given, so that the apostles could establish the Lords Church as He directed everywhere in the world without communication problems. The Gospels and Paradosis (Tradition) Church historians inform us that the Gospel of Mark was delivered to the Church approximately at 49 AC, and it was the first one delivered. Mark was a student of Peter who handed down the Gospel to him (Paradosis “personally handed down”) who in turn delivered it to the Church. The Gospel of Luke, (who was a student of Paul) was delivered (Paradosis “personally handed down”) to him by Paul, and was later delivered by Luke to the Church approximately the year 63 AC. If for example I started to ask you “who wrote the gospel of Matthew”? Your answer would be Matthew. If I ask you then “who told you”? Your answer would “the Holy Bible” This answer is not correct because in essence it is Church Tradition who told us! If I also started to ask you to tell me things that are not mentioned in the Holy Bible like the “place” of acquiring the historical information concerning the different areas of the world the apostles preached and the type martyrdom they went to… what would be your answer? The answer is the Paradosis (Holy Tradition) passed down in the Church. Church Places History and Facts: Trying to discover (Ephesians 4, 5) “One Church, One Faith and One Baptism” - At Mount Sinai where Moses talked to God there is an Orthodox Monastery today. Why Orthodox? - The cave where John wrote Apocalypses on the Greek island of Patmos belongs to an Orthodox Monastery there. Why Orthodox? -At the sight where the column Paul was flogged in the island of Cyprus there is a Greek Orthodox Church named Saint Kyriaki. Why Orthodox? - Today on the top of Jacob’s well (shaft) in Jerusalem, there is an Orthodox Church named Saint Elijah. Why Orthodox? - Both the Temples of the Holy Sepulcher! and the Temple of Nativity! that were build by the queen mother of Saint Constantine who was the first Emperor of the Byzantium 3rd century, are working Orthodox Temples today! Why Orthodox? - The main Temple of the Resurrection that is located across the entrance of the Holy Sepulcher both held by the Orthodox Church, there are 2 ancient Bishop Thrones, one for the Patriarch and one for the other Bishops that are still in use during daily Divine Liturgy today. Why Orthodox? - In Connecticut in the silence of Cockaponset State Forest in South Connecticut near the village Guilford you can find the most ancient Christian Church of South America that is masterly carved in stone. Proof that derives from the epigraphy on the Church, show that it was build 1500 years ago by Orthodox Christian monks that arrived from the Greek Byzantine who escaped by ship from North Africa during the invasion of the Vandals. There are many Greek cups drawn (in a shape of a bowl) that are surrounded with pure Christian symbols or the monogram of Christ, with baptistery, candle holders, a Bishop throne or chair, and a Holy bema. The Church was there 800 years before Colombo discovered America. Why Orthodox? - The presence of God “Holy Light” that is experienced in the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem for 1670 years, takes place ONLY ON ORTHODOX SUTURDAY EASTER during the Churches Divine Liturgy. This next year it will take place 12 noon like always 2009 18 April. Why Orthodox? With all the love and respect that I can possibly give to all of you fellow Christians who have expectations from Lord Jesus, please know that Lord Jesus has expectations from you too! Find out those expectations by looking closer at the lives and the times of the Apostles and the history of the Church that delivered the Holy Bible to your hands for Your Salvation. The only proud claim of the Orthodox Church today besides the presence of thousands of Saints in her 2000 history, is that SHE (the Church) has kept everything delivered by the Apostles from the beginning of the creation of the Church for the Salvation (therapy) of man UNCHANGED. Also keep in mind that if you have great great grandmothers and grandfathers that were Christian before the year 1054 (the schism), they were surly Orthodox Christians! The Church as delivered by the Apostles is not black, or white, or yellow, it belongs to no country, and it described as a personal journey of Salvation for each and every Christ loving individual. TheOrthodoxFaith ORTHODOX-PSYCHOTHERAPY http://www.greekorthodoxchurch.org/orthodox_psychotherapy.html Lord Jesus did not come to teach philosophically, He came to teach THERAPEUTICALLY. Read in the article “Why Cyprus is called the island of the Saints” http://kainh.homestead.com/Cyprus.html why Sainthood is not a moral or an ethical term but an ontological transformation than can be verified on the remains of the Churches Saints after death and after exhuming their bodies I belong to no organization and no one pays me. I will be glad to hear from you. Please remember to also pray for me. God bless and take care. Respectfully your friend and servant allays Constantinos

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販売:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1009.html Xing霸 性霸2000:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1154.html 五便宝 カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1378.html 巨根カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1335.html ハーバルビビッド VIVID:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1466.html 漢方薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/Chinese-side.html 男根増長素:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1462.html 新一粒神 :http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1464.html しんいちつぶしん:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1464.html MaxMan:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1084.html 魔鬼天使性欲粉:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1454.html 蟻王:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1039.html VigRx:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1165.html ビグレックス:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1165.html 男露888:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1451.html 西班牙昆虫粉:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1374.html 繊之素カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1065.html 五便宝 カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1378.html 事後避妊薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1130.html 藏秘男宝:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1268.html 性愛密碼強腎カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1056.html 西班牙蒼蝿迷情液:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1074.html Jelly潤滑剤:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1087.html 1粒神:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1118.html 天天素 清脂カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1407.html 美人豹女性用口服液:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1296.html 東方神龍生精 カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1244.html 蟻王:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1151.html ANT KING:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1151.html 韓国痩身一号:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1203.html 痩身1号:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1203.html 催情薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/keyword/253.html 街頭霸王 ペニス増大:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1471.html 夜の健康食品:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/66.html ED改善:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/67.html ED助勃:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/12.html 媚薬カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/18.html 性器増大:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/10.html 滋養強壮:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/13.html 男宝:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1452.html 威可王:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1391.html ウェイカワン:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1391.html 脂肪燃焼:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/23.html 催情薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/keyword/253.html 街頭霸王 ペニス増大:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1471.html 夜の健康食品:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/66.html 新陳代謝:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/24.html 即効ダイエット:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/25.html 絶對高潮 催淫 カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1331.html 壮三天:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1474.html FAT BURNING:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1098.html ダイエット薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/69.html 避妊中絶薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/20.html 経口避妊薬 購入:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/20.html 粉劑媚薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/16.html 催情水剤:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/17.html 紅蜘蛛 催情粉:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1197.html ダイエット:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/Reduce-weight.html 漢方薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com 威哥王 販売:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1394.html v26 薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1171.html 絶對高潮カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1330.html 三便宝 カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1424.html 蔵八宝:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1465.html 天天素 清脂カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1407.html 曲美:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1431.html 即効ダイエット:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1460.html きょくび:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1431.html くらはちほう:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1465.html コンドーム:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/Condom.html 早妊診断:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/21.html 豊胸美乳:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/26.html 家庭治療薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/catalog/33.html D10 媚薬:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1107.html SEX DROPS:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1136.html 三便百勝軟カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1492.html 女士催情コーヒー:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1490.html 男士コーヒー:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1491.html VEGETAL VIGRAカプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1489.html VEGETAL VIGRA:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1488.html 阿拉伯偉哥:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1487.html 狼一号:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1484.html 植物壮根素 :http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1486.html 増粗延時王:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1483.html GOODMANペニス増大カプセル:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1480.html GOODMAN:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1481.html トップラブV9:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1482.html CROWN 3000:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1493.html RU486:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1010.html FAT BURNING:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1098.html ANT KING:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1151.html VigRx:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1165.html MaxMan:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1084.html 妻之友:http://www.shanghaikanpo.com/view/1440.html

Posted by: 三体牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭.shanghaikanpo.com 三體牛鞭:http://三体牛鞭.shanghaikanpo.co at 2013-10-07 22:47:25

妖姫:http://www.akanpo.net/product/476.html 淫インモラル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/477.html インモラル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/477.html 紅蜘蛛:http://紅蜘蛛.akanpo.net 威哥王:http://www.akanpo.net/product/299.html 三便宝:http://www.akanpo.net/product/233.html 巨人倍増:http://www.akanpo.net/product/36.html 紅蜘蛛:http://www.akanpo.net/product/111.html 三体牛鞭:http://www.akanpo.net/product/91.html 三體牛鞭:http://www.akanpo.net/product/91.html 中絶薬:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/3.html 花痴:http://www.akanpo.net/product/109.html 媚薬:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/60.html RU486:http://www.akanpo.net/product/232.html 精力剤:http://www.akanpo.net/product/57.html 精力剤:http://www.akanpo.net 福源春:http://www.akanpo.net/product/55.html 韓国痩身一号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/208.html 狼一号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/92.html 狼1号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/92.html 蟻力神:http://www.akanpo.net/product/154.html 韓国痩身1号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/208.html 韓国痩身一号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/208.html 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さんべんぼう:http://www.akanpo.net/product/383.html 漢方 強精剤:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/1.html 強精剤:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/1.html 巨根カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/50.html きょくび:http://www.akanpo.net/product/221.html 超級脂肪燃焼弾:http://www.akanpo.net/product/406.html 曲美:http://www.akanpo.net/product/221.html 終極痩身カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/434.html VigRX Oil:http://www.akanpo.net/product/238.html VigRX:http://www.akanpo.net/product/238.html ビグレックス オイル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/238.html 福源春カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/55.html 西班牙蒼蝿水:http://www.akanpo.net/product/314.html 男露888:http://www.akanpo.net/product/335.html 魔根:http://www.akanpo.net/product/87.html 美人豹:http://www.akanpo.net/product/223.html 法国性奴:http://www.akanpo.net/product/438.html 性霸2000:http://www.akanpo.net/product/309.html 絶對高潮カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/339.html 絶對高潮:http://www.akanpo.net/product/340.html 男根増長素:http://www.akanpo.net/product/446.html 勃動力:http://www.akanpo.net/product/91.html 勃動力三體牛鞭:http://www.akanpo.net/product/91.html イカオウ:http://www.akanpo.net/product/299.html ウェイカワン:http://www.akanpo.net/product/299.html 巨人倍増 販売:http://www.akanpo.net/product/36.html 威哥王 販売:http://www.akanpo.net/product/299.html 三便宝 販売:http://www.akanpo.net/product/383.html 紅蜘蛛 通販:http://www.akanpo.net/product/111.html 紅蜘蛛 激安:http://www.akanpo.net/product/110.html 紅蜘蛛 液体:http://www.akanpo.net/product/110.html 威可王:http://www.akanpo.net/product/299.html 三便宝 激安:http://www.akanpo.net/product/233.html 三便宝 販売:http://www.akanpo.net/product/383.html 三便宝 販売店:http://www.akanpo.net/product/383.html 威哥王三鞭粒:http://www.akanpo.net/product/440.html 曲美 正規品:http://www.akanpo.net/product/221.html 曲美 通販:http://www.akanpo.net/keyword/m05/20085105.html 曲美 ダイエット:http://www.akanpo.net/product/220.html 曲美 本物:http://www.akanpo.net/product/220.html 勃起促進:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/16.html VVK:http://www.akanpo.net/product/97.html 性欲増強:http://www.akanpo.net/catalog/62.html pronetil spray:http://www.akanpo.net/product/382.html SPANISCHE FLIEGE:http://www.akanpo.net/product/125.html 蟻王:http://www.akanpo.net/product/59.html 花之欲:http://www.akanpo.net/product/128.html 蒼蝿水:http://www.akanpo.net/product/102.html SEX DROPS:http://www.akanpo.net/product/99.html 三便宝カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/233.html きょくび:http://www.akanpo.net/product/221.html ベニクモ:http://www.akanpo.net/product/111.html 新一粒神:http://www.akanpo.net/product/448.html 壮三天:http://www.akanpo.net/product/458.html 終極痩身:http://www.akanpo.net/product/434.html 日本秀身堂:http://www.akanpo.net/product/249.html SUPER FAT BURNING:http://www.akanpo.net/product/406.html FAT BURNING:http://www.akanpo.net/product/406.html 御秀堂:http://www.akanpo.net/product/150.html 痩身一号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/210.html 痩身1号:http://www.akanpo.net/product/209.html v26:http://www.akanpo.net/product/445.html v26 薬:http://www.akanpo.net/product/444.html v26 カプセル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/445.html v26 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西班牙昆虫粉:http://www.akanpo.net/product/129.html 蔵八宝:http://www.akanpo.net/product/449.html FLY D5:http://www.akanpo.net/product/102.html D5 原液:http://www.akanpo.net/product/102.html Xing霸:http://www.akanpo.net/product/309.html 媚薬蟻王:http://www.akanpo.net/product/59.html リキッド媚薬:http://www.akanpo.net/product/475.html 妖姫:http://www.akanpo.net/product/476.html 淫インモラル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/477.html インモラル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/477.html

Posted by: 妖姫:http://www.akanpo.net/product/476.html 淫インモラル:http://www.akanpo.net/product/477.h at 2013-10-07 23:11:07

巨人倍増:http://www.chemmm.com 淫インモラル:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html インモラル:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html 淫インモラル 販売:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html インモラル 販売:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html 媚薬 淫イン モラル:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html 媚薬 インモラル:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html 妖姫:http://www.chemmm.com/product/yaoji.html 妖姫 販売:http://www.chemmm.com/product/yaoji.html 妖姫 媚薬:http://www.chemmm.com/product/yaoji.html 妖姫 通販:http://www.chemmm.com/product/yaoji.html 蟻力神:http://chemmm.com/product/yilishen.html 五便宝:http://chemmm.com/product/wubianbao.html VigRx :http://chemmm.com/product/vigrx.html ビグレックス:http://chemmm.com/product/vigrx.html vigRx oil:http://chemmm.com/product/vigrxoil.html キョジンバイゾウ:http://chemmm.com/product/jurenbeizenggouqi.html ウェイカワン:http://www.chemmm.com/product/weigwang.html イカオウ:http://chemmm.com/product/wgwsbl.html SPANISCHE FLIEGE:http://www.chemmm.com 催淫通販:http://www.chemmm.com/product/jueduigaochao.html 男宝:http://chemmm.com/product/nanbao.html ナンパオ:http://chemmm.com/product/nb.html 巨根カプセル:http://chemmm.com/product/jugen.html 紅蜘蛛:http://chemmm.com/product/mycqf.html ベニクモ:http://chemmm.com/product/mycqf.html ハナチ:http://chemmm.com/product/huachi.html 蒼蝿水:http://chemmm.com/product/cangyshui.html 三體牛鞭:http://chemmm.com/product/stnb.html 三体牛鞭:http://chemmm.com/product/santiniubian.html 男根増長素:http://chemmm.com/product/ngzz.html 魔根:http://chemmm.com/product/mgjzc.html 男露888:http://chemmm.com/product/nanlu.html しんいちつぶしん:http://www.chemmm.com/product/xyls.html くらはちほう:http://chemmm.com/product/zbb.html 勃動力:http://chemmm.com/product/santiniubian.html 勃動力三體牛鞭:http://chemmm.com/product/santiniubian.html 夜の健康食品:http://chemmm.com/product/zbb.html 催淫:http://www.chemmm.com/product/jueduigaochao.html 催情:http://chemmm.com/product/mycqf.html ビグレックス オイル:http://chemmm.com/product/vigrxoil.html 巨人倍増 販売:http://w.livedoor.jp/chemmmqwyhs/d/%B5%F0%BF%CD%C7%DC%C1%FD1 威哥王 販売:http://www.chemmm.com/product/weigwang.html 紅蜘蛛 液体:http://chemmm.com/product/hzhzyd.html 紅蜘蛛 激安:http://chemmm.com/product/hongzhizhu.html 紅蜘蛛 通販:http://chemmm.com/product/hongzhizhucqf.html

Posted by: 巨人倍増:http://www.chemmm.com 淫インモラル:http://www.chemmm.com/product/immoral.html イ at 2013-10-07 23:38:10

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