David & Layla - a Political Romantic Comedy!

Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Time: 07:30 PM
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$ 15 Tickets direct online at www.Makor.org

Or at Hotline: 212.413 8806; or main: 212 601 1000

35 W 67th St at Columbus.

New York, NY 10023

A Most Romantic film? Film just got selected by Tahiti Romantic Film Festival to compete with another 11 features from World Cinema as the Most Romantic Film of the last 2 years! Details at: www.NewrozFilms.com

17 Official Film Festival Selections in Competition & 2 Wins.

Persian actress "Shiva Rose (Layla) excels as a self-reliant damsel in distress worth rooting for." VARIETY.

David & Layla is distinguished by being invited not only by standard film festivals, but also by Political/Human Rights, as well as by Love/Romantic film festivals.

“A Political Romantic Comedy” logline of a ‘Jewish Muslim romance’ inspired by true story is perhaps further justified!

Independent Film Critic Joe Baltake:

"This new comedy about young loves and the large ethnic families (on both sides) that stand between them could have been just another My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but its originality and insight set it apart. This outright charmer by Jay Jonroy has the potential of being a broad crowd-pleaser, along the lines of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Only David and Layla is a superior variation on that film, with unexpected insights..."

The film is now even more topical. This final film is shorter. It now has 23 new score music that renders Layla to be more tender and tragic and the whole film more poignant and serious yet still funny!

Shiva interprets Layla magnificently. Though Layla is a Kurdish war victim, she could be a Palestinian or a Sephardic or a Lebanese war victim or indeed any woman from Eastern traditions living in Diaspora. Layla refuses to play victim. Her plight and dilemma to keep the best of her Eastern culture while adapting and accepting the best of the West’s culture and freedom is common to millions of women in the Middle East and the Islamic world, both in Diaspora and in their homelands.

Makor is on Upper West near Lincoln Center – the largest Jewish cultural center in NY. Liberal Makor also showed the pro Palestinian film “Paradise Now.” Also, Persian/Iranian Norooz 2006 was celebrated at Makor.

Though Layla is Kurdish, Shiva plays her as she’s meant to be: a symbol of the grace and femininity of women from the Middle East and the Islamic world- from Baghdad to Cairo, from Tehran to Beirut.

Some may have seen an earlier version of this film. The film uses playful comedy, romance and sensuality as veils to highlight and celebrate the history, politics, and the glorious diversity of culture, music, food, arts and crafts of the Middle East.

The Tortoise and the Hare? A slow start due to this independent film’s taboo ‘Jewish Muslim love story’ and its bold mixed-genres: romance, comedy, drama and tragedy/politics!

But this film’s classic love story and its relevant themes are proving to be timeless, assuring David & Layla a long life!

Due to tragic, shifting, polarizing political b.g of this love story, this “controversial” film of originally 138 mins had to be edited several times to its present 108 mins- final film locked with new music score June 2006.

Two New York Sneak Previews

17 Official Film Festival Selections, 2 Wins.

Persian American “Shiva Rose (Layla) excels as a self-reliant damsel in distress worth rooting for." VARIETY

"This new comedy about young loves and the large ethnic families (on both sides) that stand between them could have been just another My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but its originality and insight set it apart. This outright charmer by Jay Jonroy has the potential of being a broad crowd-pleaser, along the lines of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Only David and Layla is a superior variation on that film, with unexpected insights…” Joe Baltake.

From an impossible romance, a hope (a fantasy!) for peace:

David & Layla - A Jewish Muslim Romantic Comedy! Set in New York- inspired by a true story!

7:30 pm Tues, Oct 3rd, & Oct 10th at Makor/Steinhardt, 35 West 67th @ Columbus.

Tkts: Tel charge 212 415 5500 Or at Makor

Or online: www.Makor.org then click then

Press & Industry passes contact: dv@NewrozFilms.com or 1 212 757 4743.

Though Layla is Kurdish, Shiva plays her as she’s meant to be: a symbol of the grace & femininity of women from the Middle East and the Islamic world- from Baghdad to Beirut, from Tehran to Los Angeles. Layla's dilemma to keep the best of her rich Eastern culture while adapting to and accepting the best of Western culture and freedom is common to millions of women in Diaspora. The film uses comedy, romance and sensuality as playful veils to highlight and celebrate the history, politics, and the glorious diversity of culture, music, food, and art of the Middle East.

Also screening at Makor at 7.30PM Tues Oct 10.

Makor also screened the controversial pro Palestinian films “Paradise Now” and “Edward Said: The Last Interview.”

Norouz 2006 Persian Art Festival was held at Makor.

David & Layla full info at: www.NewrozFilms.com

From: jay jonroy

Reviewed/approved by 7rooz Admin Staff.


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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-04 23:51:24

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-04 23:58:39

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-05 00:05:24

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Posted by: 威哥王 at 2013-08-05 00:12:16

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