List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2009-04-10

    oxbridge/Ivy League workshop

    Dubai Friday - April 10, 2009     12:00 AM


    How do I get my son into Harvard ? How do I get my daughter into Oxford or Cambridge? How do I get any of my children into the finest universities in the English speaking world?

    Now, for the first time in the Emirates, education specialists Intelligent Gulf and ISIS, the British education group, are going to provide some answers to those questions. Stage One of the programme is rolled out in Dubai from April 10th-12th at Knowledge Village. Students who wish to apply to some of the most prestigious colleges in the United Kingdom and America will be given three days of intensive tuition to guide them in their choice of universities and get expert advice on their applications. The workshop is designed to assist students with admissions to Oxbridge/Ivy league – names which connote academic excellence and selectivity in admissions.

    The Course Director, Elizabeth Rickards, is a former Principal of Davies Laing and Dick College in London, described by the Independent Schools Inspectorate as an ‘outstanding Principal.’ Dr Jon Tabbert, a specialist in US education based in London has spent many years advising on American university placement. Claire Davies has spent twenty years as Deputy Head and Head of Sixth Form in the U.K. sorting out students’ university applications and running a successful Oxbridge Entrance programme.

    The first two days of the programme will cover the important ground of which universities to choose and why. Seminars will cover a wide range of topics such as what international qualifications are acceptable for which universities; the differences between US and UK degrees and how the applications process works on both sides of the Atlantic; how to select the best Oxbridge college to improve your chances of being made an offer, and what students should do to prepare from here on in. Students will also take assessment tests. Parents will get an opportunity to meet the advisers on the third day of the workshop. They will be given feedback on their son’s and daughter’s test results and recommendations will be made about university applications.

    ‘Above all, the three day course will be informative, diagnostic and practical’ Elizabeth Rickards comments. ‘From the outside the whole process of applying to Ivy League colleges or Oxbridge can be daunting. The idea behind this course is to provide students and parents with a realistic and well informed understanding of exactly what is involved in applying to the world’s best universities so that the students get the best possible chance of success’.

    The three day workshop is only the beginning. Phase Two of the programme - the residential World University Preparation Course rolls out at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge in June 27th to July 18th 2009.

    This is a more intensive and more detailed version of the three day event in Dubai. The program will bring together some of the generation’s most able students. In turn they will be taught by highly experienced teachers and lecturers many from the world’s best universities themselves and with considerable experience in advising students with their applications to these select institutions.

    Students will be rigorously prepared for all aspects of the Oxbridge or U.S. Ivy League application process: the forms; the essays, the personal statements, the relevant entrance exams and, crucially… the interview. They will have the opportunity to interact with advisers from Fulbright commission, admissions team from Oxford, Cambridge and top American Universities.

    Students will live in the college and experience the life of a Cambridge undergraduate. They will also get a chance to visit the U.K’s leading universities as well as see something of London’s historic and cultural heritage. But they won’t find much of London compares to ancient Cambridge. Corpus Christi College is 650 years old and this year the University is celebrating its 800th anniversary.

    Venue for the Workshop
    April 10th -12th 2009
    Block 15 University of Wollongong,
    Knowledge Village., Dubai.

    Open house seminar
    12TH April 2009 4pm – 7 pm which will be absolutely free of cost for all the parents, students, school counsellors, student advisors, scholarship and government bodies not attending the workshop.

    For further information please contact:

    Sanjeev Verma
    PO Box 114423, Dubai, UAE.
    Tel: + 971 4 2942460/3
    Fax: + 971 4 2942462

    Elizabeth Rickards, Course Director
    Elizabeth Rickards Education Consultancy
    Fountain House, Goulds Ground, Frome, Somerset BA11 3DW, UK
    E mail address:
    Telephone +44 1373 474659
    Mobile: +44 7074 779323

    IABA Membership Kickoff Mixer!

    California - San Diego Friday - April 10, 2009     05:30 PM

    The IABA San Diego Chapter cordially invites you to a Membership Kickoff Mixer at the Wine Cabana in Old Town, on Friday April 10, 2009 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Cash Bar, Happy hour until 8:30pm.

    Join us to learn about our membership benefits and programs. Find out how you can support our organization and our community. Bring your friends and your checkbooks!
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