List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2009-03-08

    International Women's Day Event

    Bay Area Sunday - March 8, 2009     11:00 AM

    This event is free, but RSVP is required. Call or e.mail to reserve your seats.

    Expressions through Art a Panel Discussion & Presentation

    Bay Area - Peninsula Sunday - March 8, 2009     01:00 PM

    Iranian Federated Women's Club and Payvand present

    Two Events Scheduled for March 8, 2009 at Cupertino Quinlan Community Center
    1) “Expressions through Art” Panel Discussion & Presentation
    2) “Mehmani Noruzi 1388” Persian New Year – Spring Equinox Celebration 2009

    Place: Cupertino Quinlan Community Center , 10185 North Stelling Rd. Cupertino , CA 95014
    All Event Information –Ticket Sales: IFWC and Payvand— 408) 624-9222
    payvand95@aol. com

    Press Contact: Ms. Fariba Nejat, payvand95@aol. com, 408-373-7773
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    EVENT#1 – "Expression through Art" Panel Discussion & Presentations com/watch? v=6l_J4KVdn0A&feature=channel

    International Panel of Women in the Arts and Sciences

    Date: March 8th 2009
    Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    Admission: Free and open to public
    Event Description: On the 100th U.S. anniversary of Women's Day a panel of accomplished international women in the field of arts and science discuss the role of the expressive arts and creativity in community building, the transmission of cultural heritage, and in building bridges throughout the world. Moderated by Hon. Laura Casas Fier - De Anza College District, Board of Trustees President, with a special guest performance by Afghanistan 's most legendary woman vocalist Ustad Mahwash. Panelists include Ms. Ann Woo - Director of Chinese Performing Artists of America, Ms. Sharlyn Sawyer - Director of Afsaneh Art & Culture Society/Ballet Afsaneh and many other international guests. Admission is Free and open to the public.

    Panelists and Presenters:
    Moderator – Hon. Laura Casas Frier: Attorney, President of Foothill-De Anza Community College District Board of Trustees
    Traditional Music Presentation by Ustad Farida Mahwash - legendary vocalist from Afghanistan :
    http://www.afghanla ment/mahwash. html
    Ms. Farideh Luie - Nurse Practitioner - Vocalist - Community Activist
    Hon. Pearl Cheng - Scientist - Foothill-De Anza Community College District Board of Trustees
    Ms. Ann Woo - cultural arts specialist - community organizer
    Ms. Sharlyn Sawyer - cultural arts specialist - community activist
    Dr. Mehravar Marzbani - Community organizer - Sidney/Australia
    Ms.Homa Faravashi - Author, Poet, Teacher
    Ms. Azin Arefi - Author, Teacher
    Ms. Dori Fadavi - Author
    Ms. Fariba Nejat - Community Organizer, Teacher, Fine Art Artist
    Ms. Payandeh Shahandeh - Jewelry Artist - Paris/ France

    Mehmani Noruzi 1388" Persian New Year Celebration 2009

    Bay Area - Peninsula Sunday - March 8, 2009     05:00 PM

    "Mehmani Noruzi 1388" Persian New Year Celebration 2009 com/watch? v=-02oZITXI4k&feature=channel_ page

    Date: March 8th 2009
    Place: Cupertino Quinlan Community Center , 10185 North Stelling Rd. Cupertino , CA 95014
    Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Admission: $35, Includes Traditional Dinner Order Tickets by Phone: (408) 624-9222

    Event Description:
    Beautiful displays of art-work, activities for kids, live Persian music, fabulous dance, and special guests celebrate the timeless holiday of Norouz, marking the first day of spring and the New Year across Central Asia and the Mid-East. Join us as the special guests of the Iranian Federated Women's Club - Payvand in a relaxed, warm, family setting. Dinner is included in the ticket price of $35. Come ready to dance and enjoy! Admission includes International Women's Day Panels in the afternoon (free to public), Norouz Celebration Performances, and a traditional holiday dinner by Arya Restaurant.

    Featured Performances:
    Ballet Afsaneh, http://www.dancesil
    Niosha Dance Academy,
    Shahrzad Dance Academy, http://dancepersian .org/
    Mr. Ebrahimi and Ensemble, http://bazmyband. com/
    Mr. Mansour Taeed, http://www.iranian. com/main/ albums/maa- jaasoos-neesteem
    Ms. Farideh Louie,
    DJ Alireza

    Order Tickets by Phone: (408) 624-9222

    All Event Information – Ticket Sales: IFWC and Payvand— (408) 624-9222, and Ms. Fari Moazeni, 408-472-5074
    payvand95@aol. com,


    California - Newport Beach Sunday - March 8, 2009     06:00 PM

    Norouz, norooz, nawrooz, iranian new year
    Host: NIAS - Network of Iranian American Society
    Type: Causes - Fundraiser
    Network: Global
    Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009
    Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
    Location: Tee Room
    Street: 3100 Irvine Ave.
    City/Town: Newport Beach, CA


    DescriptionThe Network of Iranian American Society is proud to sponsor and host, “A Norooz to Remember - Helping Iranian Families living in Shelters” on Sunday, March 8th, 2009 from 6 pm - 10 pm at the Tee Room in Newport Beach, CA.
    For your entertainment pleasure, we will have live acts including:

    Eslam Shams - Actor/ Comedian
    Live band featuring Duende Flamenco Group
    Sean Tamasebi - comedian
    Ali Salimi - comedian

    Presale tickets online: $25
    At the event: $35

    Ticket includes four course Persian dinner

    you can purchase your ticket at Wholesome Choice or our website at

    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Dinner and music slide show presentation
    7:00PM - Entertainment begins

    Seating is first come first serve.

    We strongly urge you to purchase tickets as a donation even if you can not attend, the fund will be going to a needy Iranian family who has fallen on hard times living in shelters.

    One of the main reasons for doing this aside from helping Iranian families is that we wanted to raise awareness that Iranian families go to shelter all the time and no one knows about it. Once people are aware they are more likely to donate to shelters directly so they can take in more Iranian families in need. Right now because no Iranian businesses or people donate to the shelter their priority is Hispanic, American or other minorities. This way when we get the Iranian community involved so we can change that.
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