List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2008-07-19

    C.I.F. Garage Sale

    Vancouver Saturday - July 19, 2008     10:00 AM

    C.I.F. Garage Sale

    Time: 10:00 Am-2:00 PM

    Date: July 19th, 20th. 2008

    Location: 2285 Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver, B.C. Canada

    All proceeds from this event will go to CIF Scholarship Fund for 2009.

    info: 604-696-1121



    NIMANY in L.A. - Trunk Show and Release of the New Look

    Los Angeles Saturday - July 19, 2008     03:00 PM

    NIMANY IN L.A.!!


    Event InfoHost:
    Music/Arts - Exhibit
    Time and PlaceDate:
    Saturday, July 19, 2008
    3:00pm - 6:00pm
    1446 East Washington Blvd.
    Los Angeles, CA

    View Map
    Contact InfoEmail:
    Saturday July 19th, 2008, 3PM - 6PM.
    NIMANY will release new looks at BoxEight Factory. This is an amazing loft in downtown LA which hosted LA Fashion Week this past march.

    This Trunk Show runs from 3pm to 6pm and is open to the public. A limited number of the new looks, and a selection of the previous seasons will be available for purchase.

    Come hangout and have fun in this beautiful downtown loft.

    ***Sneak Preview for interested parties will be 2PM-3PM and will require RSVP.

    127 Band in NY

    New York Saturday - July 19, 2008     03:00 PM

    Event Info Host: ABC No Rio, HC/Punk Matinee
    Type: Music/Arts - Concert
    Time and Place Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008
    Time: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
    Location: 156 Rivington Street
    Street: between Clinton & Suffolk
    City/Town: New York, NY
    View MapQuest MapGoogleMapQuestMicrosoftYahoo
    Contact Info Phone: 2122543697

    suddenly we are doing this show on saturday.
    PARASITESGO! (california catchy punx on tour)
    CLOSET FAIRIES (massachusetts upbeat melodic punk rock)
    SECRET HIDEOUTS (boston pop-punk)
    GENERAL INTEREST (boston dance-y, new wave-y punk)

    Dance party to benefit children with cancer Sat. July 19, 2008 @ Pleasant Hill Community Center

    Bay Area - East Bay Saturday - July 19, 2008     07:00 PM

    Dear Friends,

    Please join us for a summer dance party to benefit children with cancer on July 19, 2008 starting at 7:00 pm at:

    Pleasant Hill Community Center

    Parkside Room

    320 Civic Drive, Pleasant Hill , CA 94523

    Lets Dance away the evening and support a great cause at the same time. Your donations will help generate support for cancer patients within the community.

    Doors open at 7:00 PM

    Please note: No Will Call permitted

    For Tickets please call: (510) 220-2840 (Reservation ends on Fri. 11 July, 2008)

    Donation: Regular: $30.00 and Students: $15.00 (with valid student ID)

    Neeki Foundation is proud to present a beautiful summer event

    * with a performance of Zarb by Shaida Ostovar Ensemble opening the event at 7:00 PM
    * followed by our talented DJ Alireza starting at 7:30 pm.

    With heart felt appreciation,

    Neeki foundation

    (see more information attached)

    Neeki foundation is a non-profit US based organization and a project of CFI of San Francisco

    Google Driving Direction

    § From Vallejo - About 17 Miles

    1. Take I-780 E

    2. Take exit 7B to merge onto I-680 S toward San Jose/Martinez

    3. Take exit 51 for Willow Pass Rd toward Taylor Blvd

    4. Turn right at Sunvalley Blvd/Willow Pass Rd

    5. Continue on Taylor Blvd

    6. Turn right at Civic Dr

    § From Berkeley - About 21 Miles

    1. Take CA-24 E via the ramp to Walnut Creek

    2. Take the exit onto I-680 N toward Concord/Sacramento

    3. Take exit 51 for Willow Pass Rd toward Taylor Blvd

    4. Turn left at Willow Pass Rd

    5. Continue on Taylor Blvd

    6. Turn right at Civic Dr

    § From San Jose - About 55 Miles

    1. Take I-280 S ramp

    2. Keep right at the fork to continue toward I-280 S and merge onto I-280 S

    3. Continue on I-680 N/Sinclair Fwy (signs for I-680/Sacramento)

    4. Take exit 51 for Willow Pass Rd toward Taylor Blvd

    5. Turn left at Willow Pass Rd

    6. Continue on Taylor Blvd

    7. Turn right at Civic Dr

    § From San Francisco – About 30 Miles

    1. Take Central Fwy/US-101 S via the ramp to Oakland/San Jose/US-80

    2. Take the exit on the left onto I-80 E toward Oakland/Bay Bridge

    3. Take the exit onto I-580 E toward Downtown Oakland/Hayward- Stockton/ CA-24

    4. Take the exit onto CA-24 E toward Walnut Creek

    5. Take the exit onto I-680 N toward Concord/Sacramento

    6. Take exit 51 for Willow Pass Rd toward Taylor Blvd

    7. Turn left at Willow Pass Rd

    8. Continue on Taylor Blvd

    9. Turn right at Civic Dr

    § From Pleasanton - About 28 Miles

    1. Take I-680 N toward Oakland/Sacramento

    2. Take exit 51 for Willow Pass Rd toward Taylor Blvd

    3. Turn left at Willow Pass Rd

    4. Continue on Taylor Blvd

    5. Turn right at Civic Dr

    Live Persian Flamenco Music with FAZZ

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - July 19, 2008     07:30 PM

    Two Flamenco guitarist & violin & precussions, Farzad Arjmand will sing , Farhad, Fereydoon Forooghi, Yaghmaie and more. @ Enrico's 504 Broadway st. SF CA

    Opening Night: Theory of Survival opens at BAN 5 at YBCA!

    Bay Area - San Francisco Saturday - July 19, 2008     08:00 PM

    Join us for the opening night party at
    Sat, Jul 19, 8 pm-midnight

    Bay Area Now 5, Inside/Outside
    This year's visual arts program is the most ambitious iteration of Bay Area Now yet. As in past years, YBCA presents a multi-media gallery-based group exhibition featuring the works of the most promising Bay Area artists active today. Bay Area Now 5 (BAN 5) explores the many ways artists are influenced by their experiences both inside and outside of the Bay Area, and through an additional four guest-curated projects, also goes beyond YBCA's walls to feature artists as musicians, illustrate San Francisco's rich artistic history and connect Bay Area artists with artists from around the globe.

    Theory of Survival, guest curated by Iranian-American artist Taraneh Hemami, is a continuation of the CrossConnections project that engages the Iranian and Iranian-American diaspora community in an intergenerational, creative dialogue about issues of cultural identity, preservation, and representation. For its incarnation at YBCA, Theory of Survival brings together a multi-generational and international group of artists of the Iranian Diaspora who have responded to a historical archive belonging to the Iranian Students Association of Northern California, which was active from 1964-1984. The collection, which has been acquired by the Library of Congress, includes theoretical discourse, original essays, political analysis, translations, as well as posters, newspapers, and documents reflecting both Iranian as well as Bay Area history throughout these critical years. The artists that guest curator Taraneh Hemami has chosen to work with collectively investigate the archives of the past while exploring notions of devotion, freedom, survival and loss.
    Artists: Reza Aramesh(London), Gita Hashemi(Toronto) and Leila Pazooki(Berlin).

    YBCA presents
    Bay Area Now 5 Opening Night Party
    Sat, Jul 19, 8 pm-midnight
    Grand Lobby, Galleries, Screening Room, Forum & Sculpture Court
    $12 in advance, $15 at the door
    FREE for YBCA Members and a guest

    We Remember the Sun
    Curated by Mary Ellen Johnson
    June 19-September 13, 2008
    Walter and McBean Galleries, SFAI
    San Francisco Art Institute, 800 Chestnut St, SF

    We Remember the Sun offers a view of contemporary art practice in California that, though
    acknowledging its deep roots in the utopian (and dystopian) ideals of the 60s, contends that it is only through the acceptance of mediated rather than absolutist ideas and practices that the political progressivism of the 60s can remanifest itself under today's extraordinarily different political conditions--conditions that contrast globalization with antiglobalization; multiculturalism with zenophobia; terrorism, initiatory or retaliatory, with negotiation and peace; and environmentalism with corporatism run amok. Put more specifically in terms of We Remember the Sun, an exhibition of the work of Bay Area artists, it is only through the process and labor of yielding to the demands of (artistic) mediums, mixed or singular--it is only through production--that revolutionary ideas and practices can effectually take shape.

    Participating artists are Amy Balkin, L. M. Bogad, Andrea Bowers, Deer Fang, David Gurman, Taraneh Hemami, David Maisel, Jill Miller, Shaun O'Dell, Julia Page, Praba Pilar, John Roloff, Pamela Wilson-Ryckman, Jon Winet, and Michael Zheng.

    Most Wanted, 2007, Bead Curtain

    World Music Day: Iran

    Turkey Saturday - July 19, 2008     09:00 PM

    World Music Day: Iran

    Event InfoHost:
    studio live
    Music/Arts - Concert
    Time and PlaceStart Time:
    Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 9:00pm
    End Time:
    Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 12:00am
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Contact InfoPhone:
    Behman Alamshahi & Eda Keske Studio Live Sahnesinde!...
    Dünya Müzikleri adı altında başlatılan seri konserlerin ilki İranlı sanatçı Behman Alamshahi ile başlayacak.

    Her programda farklı bir ülkeden katılan sanatçılar, bir Türk sanatçı ile birlikte sahne alacak. Program akışında düet parçalar da seslendirecek.

    İlk programda sahne alan Türk sanatçı Eda Keske üstün yorumlarıyla 19 dilde caz'dan pop'a, country'den latin'e, nostaljik Türkçe müzikten güncel pop'a ve Türk Sanat Müziği'ne kadar uzanan geniş bir yelpazede yorumlamaktadır. Eda Keske daha önce yurtiçi ve yurtdışı birçok konser ve festivalde yer aldı.

    İranlı sanatçı Behman Alamshahi Tahran'da sanat hayatına devam etmektedir. Alamshahi bu güne kadar 4 albüm çıkardı. Sanatçı Farsça seslendirdiği eserlerde batı enstrümanlarını ağırlıkta kullanıyor. İran müziği ile batı müziği arasındaki eserleri ile İran'da önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. İranlı sanatçı Türkiye'de bulunduğu süre içerisinde İstanbul görüntüleri eşliğinde bir video klip çekimi de gerçekleştirecektir. Sanatçının klibi Türk müzik kanallarında yayınlatılacak. Ayrıca sanatçılar birçok yazılı ve görsel medya da konuk, röportaj, haber, ilan olarak yer alacaklar.

    Sanatçı gerçekleştireceği İstanbul konserinden ilk defa Türkçe eserler seslendirecek. Behman Alamshahi ve Eda Keske 19 temmuz akşamı muhteşem bir müzik ziyafeti yanında iki ülkenin dostluk ve kültürel bağlarını pekiştirecek.
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