List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2008-02-28

    Filipina Brides of the Islamic Republic of Iran:Challenges of Adjustment and Social Integration

    Bay Area - East Bay Thursday - February 28, 2008     04:00 PM

    Coming Tomorrow - Thursday, February 28th 4 pmTHE BEATRICE BAIN RESEARCH GROUP, UC BERKELEY PRESENTSAshraf Zahedi, BBRG Scholar2006-2007 BBRG Affiliated Scholar, Independent Scholar"Filipina Brides of the Islamic Republic of Iran:Challenges of Adjustment and Social Integration"Kathryn Poethig, BBRG Scholar2006-2007 BBRG Post-Doctoral Scholar, Assoc. Prof., CSU, Monterey Bay"Filipina Feminist Theologies of Resistance to the US War on Terror"Moderator: Evelyn GlennProf. of Gender & Women's Studies and Ethnic Studies,Director of the Center for Race and GenderFILIPINAS IN NATIONALAND TRANSNATIONAL SPACESAshraf Zahedi, Ph.D., is a sociologist and an independent scholar. She has taught at Boston University,Suffolk University and Santa Clara University, and has conducted research at many universities includingStanford's Institute for
    Research on Women and Gender. Her research interests include political ideology,social policy, social movements and transnational feminism. At the Beatrice Bain Research Program, sheis working on research on transnational communities. She examines the role of Filipinas in the makingof the Filipino-Irano community in Iran and in the establishment of transnational networks.Kathryn Poethig, M.Div, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Global Studies at California State University,Monterey Bay. Her areas of expertise include global gender issues, particularly feminism and militarism,religious and social ethics, and religion, violence and peacemaking. Dr. Poethig supervised educationfor Southeast Asian refugees in the US and Asia for fifteen years. She has written on progressive religiouscitizenship in Southeast Asia, particularly in areas of complex conflict and peacemaking. Since 2003,she has turned her
    attention to Filipino feminist theologians' frameworks for "just peace" for bothCommunist and Muslim insurgencies in light of the US war on terrorism. Dr. Poethig has lived andworked in Southeast Asia for over twenty years. She is on the Working Committee of the People's Forumon Peace for Life, a Global South-based interfaith initiative resisting militarized globalization andcreating life-enhancing alternatives. She is a member of Women for Genuine Security.A Panel DiscussionThurs., Feb. 28, 2008, 4 -5:30pm, 3335 Dwinelle (Level C)
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