List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2007-09-16

    Persian Garden - Nima Hekmat (Santur) & Shirzad Sharif (Tonbak, Daf)

    Bay Area - East Bay Sunday - September 16, 2007     06:00 PM

    Shirzad Sharif (Somma) in conjunction with the Persian Center are proud to present: "Persian Garden"

    A Bi-Weekly, Sunday afternoon program with Persian music, hosted by Shirzad Sharif featuring live performances & demonstrations, lectures & workshops focused entirely on Persian classical & folk music featuring amazing guest musicians from the bay area and beyond...

    This will be a great way start your week as well as meet the musicians & hear great Persian music & their story in an intimate non-concert setting!!!


    Sunday Afternoons with Persian Music!

    Hosted by Shirzad Sharif

    Sunday, September 16th, 2007 -

    Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm

    Bay Area Persian Classical Musician Nima Hekmat (Santur) will be joined by Shirzad Sharif (Tonbak & Daf)

    * Featuring RARE Demonstrations of the late Ostad Vaziri Style of Iranian Santur Performance.

    Admission $10, Students $5

    Persian Garden will be at

    the Persian Center in Berkeley:

    2029 Durant Ave # 1

    Berkeley, CA 94704

    (510) 848-0264

    Seating is limited, please arrive early to not disturb the live performances.

    No prior knowledge of Persian language or music is required.

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