List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2006-03-16
Iran on the World Stage: Domestic Challenges and Nuclear Ambitions
Bay Area - East Bay Thursday - March 16, 2006 05:00 PM
amazing event being held at Berkeley this Thursday featuring some of the most prominent Iranian intellectuals in the US. The panel discussion is being hosted by the Religion, Politics and Globalization Program and is entitled: "Iran on the World Stage: Domestic Challenges and Nuclear Ambitions."
Its going to be held at the Maude Fife room at, 315 Wheeler Hall on THURSDAY March 16, 5-7pm. The panel will be featuring:
- Ahmad Ghoreishi, Former Chancellor, National University of Iran,
- Omid Memarian, Iranian journalist and blogger, NGO activist, visiting scholar at Berkeley School of Journalism and honored by Human Rights Watch
- Abbas Milani, Director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University
- Daruish Zahedi, Lecturer on Peace and Conflict Studies at UC Berkeley.
Events like these featuring such amazing people are truly few and far between and I encourage all of you to attend. I’ll be attending for sure, so if any of you want to come with me just let me know
Its going to be held at the Maude Fife room at, 315 Wheeler Hall on THURSDAY March 16, 5-7pm. The panel will be featuring:
- Ahmad Ghoreishi, Former Chancellor, National University of Iran,
- Omid Memarian, Iranian journalist and blogger, NGO activist, visiting scholar at Berkeley School of Journalism and honored by Human Rights Watch
- Abbas Milani, Director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University
- Daruish Zahedi, Lecturer on Peace and Conflict Studies at UC Berkeley.
Events like these featuring such amazing people are truly few and far between and I encourage all of you to attend. I’ll be attending for sure, so if any of you want to come with me just let me know