List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-12-09

    Circles of Remembrance

    New York Friday - December 9, 2005     07:00 AM

    The Lighthouse Theater, Manhattan Lighthouse International Headquarters 111 East 59th St

    Schedule: 5:30 Wine / Cheese Reception

    6:30 Live Persian Music

    7:00 "Rumi: Turning Ecstatic," (Petrova and Roloff, 2005). A near-death experience in 1997 launches filmmaker Tina Petrova onto a journey involving the 13th century Sufi Mystic Rumi and forming the basis of this film.

    8:30 "Circles of Remembrance," (Shems Friedlander, 2005). Produced, written and directed by Shems Friedlander of Zikr (remembrance) ceremonies performed throughout the Middle East.

    Tickets: $20, Parabola, 212.505.6200, x0

    Regards de Traverse

    Europe - France Friday - December 9, 2005     06:00 PM

    Opening exhibition « Regards de traverse », footbridge between oriental arts and the western arts, Islam and Christianity on Friday December 9 at 18 hours in protestant Church Saint Pierre le Jeune - Strasbourg.

    Maryam ZINATI (miniature) meets Mauricette JUAN (sculpture). Two women, two artists, two styles, borrowing each one the way to go to the meeting of the Other. They are different, by their expressions and carry in them a great complicity by love for Art. They transcend the imaginary and build footbridges patiently, by taking short cuts. (the exhibition continue until the December 21).

    For information: Association franco-iranienne d’Alsace, / (33) 388 19 92 54

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