List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-10-11

    Iranian-American Bar Assoc. Bay Area Chapter Organizational Meeting

    Bay Area - San Francisco Tuesday - October 11, 2005     12:00 PM

    The Board of Directors of The Iranian-American Bar Association is pleased to announce the launch of campaign to establish a chapter in the Bay Area of California. IABA will hold an organizational meeting on October 11, at the offices of National Legal Sanctuary for Community Advancement (“NLSCA”), 444 De Haro Street, Suite 205, San Francisco (NLSCA has been generous enough to allow IABA the use of its offices, but there is no affiliation between the two organizations). IABA welcomes all Iranian-American attorneys and law students in the Bay Area to attend this meeting to see how the IABA can help them in their professional development, and how the IABA serves the Iranian American community. Plans are also in the making for the establishment of an IABA chapter in Houston, Texas.

    IABA is a national, non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting the advancement of Iranian-American attorneys and the Iranian-American community at large. In addition to its scholarship program, the IABA provides mentorship programs to Iranian American law students and young attorneys. The IABA strives to serve the professional development of its attorney members through hosting events such as CLE classes and networking opportunities at IABA events. The IABA has established the education of Iranian Americans about legal matters of concern to them as one of its principal mandates, and also endeavors to engage policymakers on behalf of the Iranian American community in a constructive fashion with the aim of making meaningful and positive contributions towards the betterment of laws and regulations that may impact our community. Prime examples of such educational activities are IABA’s participation in the Iranian-American Know your Rights Campaign, co-sponsored with organizations such as the ACLU and Amnesty International and the publication of IABA’s independent report concerning the detention and treatment of Iranian nationals by the INS in the course of implementing the NSEERS special registration program. IABA’s NSEERS report was presented two highly successful bi-partisan briefings in the U.S. Senate (July '04) and House of Representatives (October '04). IABA has over 200 members in 20 states, with chapters in Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles. For more information on the IABA, please visit

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