List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-07-08

    Iranian Women’s Studies Foundation CONFERENCE

    Europe - Austria Friday - July 8, 2005     08:00 AM

    16th International Conference of the Iranian Women’s Studies Foundation
    8-10 July, 2005 Vienna-Austria (Austria Center)

    The Status of Iranian Women in the Past 25 Years: Peace initiatives, human rights, political participation, careers and gender exploitation

    Call for papers:
    The host committee welcomes proposals with interests in the above mentioned thematic area. We would also appreciate any support by volunteers for organisation of the conference. (Performing) Artists who wish to contribute to the conference please contact the host committee by 28th February 2005.

    Address: IWSF- WIEN
    Heuberggasse 5A / 1
    A-1170 Wien


    Fax: 0043-1-48 688 31


    Local Organization Committee for the Conference 2005 :
    Independent Iranian Women’s Society Vienna-Austria in cooperation with other Women
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