List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-04-12

    Reading: Azadeh Moaveni/Susan Choi/Akhil Sharma

    New York Tuesday - April 12, 2005     07:30 PM

    Celebrate Immigrant History Week in NYC!

    April 12 at 7:30 p.m. International Center, 50 West 23rd St., 7th floor, between 6th Ave. and 5th Ave., New York, N.Y. tel. (212)255-9555. Subway: F to 23rd St.

    Celebrate Immigrant History Week with three talented writers:
    SUSAN CHOI, nominated for a Pulitzer for her last novel, "American Woman"; AKHIL SHARMA, author of the novel "An Obedient Father" and occasional contributor to The New Yorker magazine; and AZADEH MOAVENI, a young journalist who has written a terrific book about the youth culture in Iran called "Lipstick Jihad: A Memoir of Growing up Iranian in America and American in Iran" (she was recently interviewed on Nightline, which you can watch here )

    This event is free!

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