List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2005-01-14
Alf and Alf International Party @ The Hilton, Friday Jan. 14, 2005
Bay Area - San Francisco Friday - January 14, 2005 07:00 PM

See all the details about the party
OK...Ever Partied Atop Hilton Hotel?
Well, here is your chance to dance the Night away Amongst the Stars to Great International music.
This Friday: Jan. 14th 2005
Time: 9pm to 2am
Dinner?: Optional, from 6:45 to 9pm (only $35 incl. tax and tip)
Where: 333 O'Farrell St. at Mason downtown SF
Music: DJ Big Bad Bruce....playing all your Intl. Favorite Hits
FREE before 10pm...IF you RSVP with an email .....AND....also...
What about having an ELEGANT DINNER for the Neat Ultra Special
DEAL of only $35 incl. Tips and Tax with your choice of Entree and a
Salad! and Take in the Breathtaking Views that ONLY CITYSCAPE
at the 46th Fl. has to offer...
YUPP...Just RSVP with Me, Alf at 415 673 6464 bfr. Thursday 2pm
This is going to be one STYLIN Party with a great Crowd, Great Views,
Great Music And an Unforgettable Time>
DJ Big Bad Bruce is going to cover all the Exclusive Music Genera's that
ONLY HE Knows expect an Unforgettable All Exclusive Set by him
And I want to dedicate this party to all the less fortunate fellow human beings
that got hit harder than you could imagine by the Tsunami.....
come pay, play and help out to the ones much less fortunate that all of us
I will personally take a part of the proceeds from the door and donate towards
the cause....we will have a box there for you to do the same.
Visit for more info.
Hope you can make it.
SANDY Dance Party Concert
Maryland Friday - January 14, 2005 08:00 PM
Friday January 14th - 8 pm to 1:00 am
SANDY Performing live!
Dance Party Concert featuring DJ Iman & Jiman, Mega Lights and Sounds
Hyatt Regency Bethesda, MD
Grand Ballroom
One Bethesda Metro Center
Bethesda, MD 20814
301-657-1234 Tickets
$30 pre sell
(Iranian Grocery Stores)
$35 at the door
From: Reza Zavvar (
SANDY Performing live!
Dance Party Concert featuring DJ Iman & Jiman, Mega Lights and Sounds
Hyatt Regency Bethesda, MD
Grand Ballroom
One Bethesda Metro Center
Bethesda, MD 20814
301-657-1234 Tickets
$30 pre sell
(Iranian Grocery Stores)
$35 at the door
From: Reza Zavvar (
The biggest Middle Eastern party in the South Bay
Bay Area - South Bay Friday - January 14, 2005 10:00 PM
Friday Jan. 14th. at club Zoe San Jose 10pm to 2am
417 s. first st. 408-888-4663
21 and over, dress code $5 B4 11pm $10 after 11pm
Persian, Arabic, Assyrian, Armenian, Greek, Latin & much more. 7 DJS, 3 rooms, 3 bars, 3 dance floors, hookah smoking & go go belly dancers all night. This club setting is one of a kind & will have you begging for more.
Email me at to get in the VIP list
From: DJ Malek (
417 s. first st. 408-888-4663
21 and over, dress code $5 B4 11pm $10 after 11pm
Persian, Arabic, Assyrian, Armenian, Greek, Latin & much more. 7 DJS, 3 rooms, 3 bars, 3 dance floors, hookah smoking & go go belly dancers all night. This club setting is one of a kind & will have you begging for more.
Email me at to get in the VIP list
From: DJ Malek (