List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2004-10-23

    Persepolis Recreated

    Boston Saturday - October 23, 2004     10:51 AM

    IAB in collaboration with MIT Iranian Studies Group and Harvard Agha Khan
    Chair of Iranian Studies is proud to present this unique film on "Persepolis Recreated" by prize winning Iranian director Mr. Farzin Rezaeian, who will be present for the screening.

    Date: Sunday October 24th
    Time: 3:00 PM Where: MIT Building 54 Room 100
    77 Massachusetts Avenue (map below)
    Persepolis Recreated: This spectacular production presents a virtual
    recreation of the Palace complex of the Persian Kings at their
    highland capital of Persepolis in the province of Fars in Southwestern Iran.

    Zanan Gathering

    Bay Area - East Bay Saturday - October 23, 2004     12:30 PM

    Salaam Bar Hamegy,
    Next Zanan gathering is on Saturday Oct 23. Please reply to me:
    if you are planning to attend by Friday Oct 22. Thanks.

    We have a very special guest for our next gathering; Torange Yeghiazarian, the founder and artistic director of Golden Thread Productions. Torange founded Golden Thread Productions in October 1996 based on "the belief that our common experience as human beings supersedes our cultural and political differences. In our vast imagination, the Middle East is defined not by geographical boundaries and political separations, but as the shared experience of the people, who throughout history have been touched by its tales, melodies and aromas. The Middle East lives inside us, as we redefine ourselves, we redefine the Middle East." (vision statement: )

    The talk will center on Golden Thread Productions, its mission, current programs and future plans. The underlying theme will be an Iranian woman artist sharing her experience and challenges depicting Middle East issues in theater.

    WHEN: Saturday October 23

    TIME: 12:30 - 3:30 PM

    LOCATION: Meeting Room
    Claremont Branch Library
    2940 Benvenue Ave
    Berkeley, CA 94705

    "SEEDS" Documentary Screening

    New York Saturday - October 23, 2004     02:30 PM

    12th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival
    Competition: Film of Conflict & Resolution
    Hamptons, NY

    Thursday 21 October 3pm
    Friday 22 October 10.30am
    Saturday 23 October 2.30pm

    For tickets and more information, go to

    You are invited to attend the New York Premiere screening of SEEDS, a powerful and compelling new documentary screening in competition as part of the 12th Annual Hamptons International Film Festival, Films of Conflict & Resolution.

    Please find attached some brief infomation about the film. The filmmakers, Marjan Safinia and Joseph Boyle will both be in attendance at Hamptons between October 20-24th

    Traditional Persian Music

    Vancouver Saturday - October 23, 2004     08:00 PM

    Saturday October 23, 2004 - 8:00 pm
    H.R. Mac Millian Space Centre
    1100 Chestnut Street
    Vancouver, BC

    Dr Hossein Omoumi: Ney, Vocal
    Amir Koushkani: Tar
    Zia Tabasian: Tombak

    Tix: $32CND...... Sales: 604-904-8866

    An Evening with Lian Ensemble

    Los Angeles Saturday - October 23, 2004     08:00 PM

    "An Evening with Lian Ensemble"

    CD Release Concert

    VENUE: Wilshire Ebell Theatre
    4401 West 8th Street
    Los Angeles, CA 90010

    DATE: Saturday, Oct 23, 2004

    TIME: 8:00 PM

    The celebrated Lian Ensemble has had a profound impact on Persian music, introducing the world to a plethora of new music and compositions by several of the very best of contemporary Persian musicians. Their program features new compositions and improvisations drawing on the rich heritage of Persian classical music, contemporary and ancient Sufi poetry.

    Lian Ensemble:
    Houman Pourmehdi, Tonbak, Daf, Ney
    Mahshid Mirzadeh, Santur
    David Johnson, Marimba, Percussion
    Soleyman Vaseghi, Vocal
    Behzad Behzadpour, Vocal
    Ivan Johnson, Bass
    Randy Gloss, Percussion
    Andrew Grueschow, Percussion
    Austin Wrinkle, Percussion
    Pirayeh Pourafar, Tar

    ADVANCE TICKETS BY PHONE: (310)477-8617
    Tickets are available at:

    Music Box, (310) 473-3466

    Q Market, (818) 758-9995

    Tickets: $100, $75, $50, $40, $30, and $20.

    Info: (310) 477-8617
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