List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2004-05-17

    Iranian Movies On Sundance Channel

    Monday - May 17, 2004     02:50 PM

    Divorce, Iranian Style

    directed by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini


    76 MINS, Color

    Divorce is a nasty affair, no matter where you live. However, as related in this revealing documentary by Kim Longinotto and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, many will be happy they don't live in Iran. While a man can leave his wife at any time, in Iran a woman can divorce only due to her husband's insanity, impotence or lack of financial support. An isolated camera, shooting the proceedings in a small, crowded Tehran divorce court, records a series of different couples as they appear before a judge, and reveals the brutal sexism of the Iranian legal system. TVPG (AC) Stereo/Subtitles

    Ziba Mir-Hosseini

    The House of Sand and Fog

    California - Davis Monday - May 17, 2004     08:00 PM

    Movie Night at UC Davis in Wellman 2.

    Shirin Ebadi Lecture - Democracy and Human Rights

    California - Santa Barbara Monday - May 17, 2004     08:00 PM

    Nobel Peace Prize recipient Shirin Ebadi delivers the timely lecture Islam, Democracy and Human Rights at UCSB Campbell Hall
    Summary Facts:
    Shirin Ebadi Islam, Democracy and Human Rights
    Ebadi is the first Iranian and first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize
    One of the first female judges in her native Iran, Ebadi is a tireless crusader for human rights
    Co-presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures, UCSB Center for Middle East Studies, the Office of the Chancellor and Direct Relief International

    Monday, May 17 / 8 pm / UCSB Campbell Hall
    General public: $15 / UCSB students: $10
    Tickets & information: UCSB Arts & Lectures at (805) 893-3535
    Shirin Ebadi, the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, will give a lecture on the crucial topic of Islam, Democracy and Human Rights on Monday, May 17 at 8 pm at UCSB Campbell Hall. A lawyer and human rights activist who served in the 1970s as one of the first female judges in her country, Ebadi was awarded the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize for her tireless work on the behalf of democracy and the rights of women and children in Iran. Her talk will be in Persian, with English translation.
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