List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2004-03-16

    PARS Persian Club Nowrooz Event

    Bay Area - South Bay Tuesday - March 16, 2004     10:30 AM

    When: March 16th

    PARS Persian Club will be hosting a small event at school from 10:30am - 2:00pm. We have reserved the BBQ area to display a few posters regarding the "7-seen" & "Nourouz." We will be serving tea and some persian sweets as well. Students can play games, listen to music, and members may also smoke Hookah for free! Spartan Daily might write an article about our event, so please come support the club and have fun.

    Lastly, we would like to introduce San Jose State University's newest organization: Persian Entrepreneurs Association .The purpose is to gather Iranian students and introduce then to successful executives, doctors, lawyer etc. professionals in America. It allows Iranian students who have ideas, and are motivated to make a positive difference in society to have a
    group and a network of people who are there to support them. Attached please find the flyer to our first event March 17, 2004 at San Jose State University, this event is free and open to the public. I would greatly appreciated it if you can pass the word about this event to students, faculty or outside guest. Our guest speakers background Farzad Naimi can be seen at

    Chahar Shanbeh Soori

    Orange County Tuesday - March 16, 2004     12:49 PM

    What : Chahr Shanbeh Soori
    Where : Corona Del Mar - New Port Beach
    When : After 7:00?

    Note : I think fireworks are not allowed, just plain fire to jump over.

    Chahr Shanbeh Soori

    Los Angeles Tuesday - March 16, 2004     12:51 PM

    What : Chahr Shanbeh Soori
    Where : El Segundo Beach
    When : After 7:00

    Char-Shanbe Soori

    Bay Area - East Bay Tuesday - March 16, 2004     06:00 PM

    The Persian Center will have their "Annual Chaharshanbeh-Soori Celebration" on

    Where: 2029 Durant Avenue in Berkeley.
    When: March 16, 2004 at 7:00pm, ends at 9:00pm and is free.

    Following the party, ISCO will be hosting thier " Chaharshanbeh-Soori Party" at the "Lucre Lounge," 2086 Allston Way, downtown Berkeley. The 18+ party features DJ Josh and costs $10 to get in, and will start from 9:00pm - 1:00am.

    Chahar Shanbeh Sooree

    Salt Lake City Tuesday - March 16, 2004     06:30 PM

    Title: Chahar Shanbeh Sooree

    Date: Tuesday March 16, 2004
    Time: 6:30 - 9:30 PM
    Location: University of Utah, south of the Union Bldg.

    For more information visit our site

    Chahrshanbeh soori party of Boston

    Boston Tuesday - March 16, 2004     06:30 PM

    The Norouz holiday season includes several symbolic and meaningful celebrations and rituals beginning with the last Wednesday of the year, called the Chahar Shanbe Soori (translation yields "Wednesday Feast"). It is celebrated on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year.

    At the center of this traditional celebration is giving thanks for the fortune of having made it through another healthy year and to exchange any remaining paleness and evil with the life and warmth of the fire. With the help of fire and light, enlightenment and happiness are hoped for throughout the coming year. Bonfires are lit in public places and people leap over the flames, shouting: "Sorkheeyeh toe az man; zardeeyeh man az toe." This translates to: "Your redness (health) is mine; my paleness (pain) is yours."

    Trick or Treating:
    Another routine of the Chahar Shanbe Soori festival is the Iranian version of Trick or Treating Traditionally, it was believed that the living were visited by the spirits of their ancestors on the last day of the year. Many people specially children, wrap themselves in shrouds symbolically reenacting the visits. By the light of the bonfire, they run through the streets banging on pots and pans with spoons in order to beat out the last unlucky Wednesday of the year, while they knock on doors to ask for treats. Indeed, Halloween is a Celtic variation of this night.
    Nowadays, flocks of often young trick or treaters, hidden under a traditional Chador (veil) go from door to door banging a spoon against a metal bowl asking for treats, or money.

    Another old Chahar Shanbe Soori ritual is called Falgoosh (fortune hearing!) which is the act of standing in a dark corner spot or behind a fence and listening to the conversations of the passers by and trying to interpret their statements or the subject of their dialogue as an answer to one's question(s)!

    Sublime Afghanistan

    Bay Area - San Francisco Tuesday - March 16, 2004     07:25 PM

    Year: 2003 Running Time: 8 minutes Country: Switzerland Cast: Music by: Googoosh
    Showtime: Saturday, March 13, 2004 @ 8:00 pm and Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @ 7:25 pm
    Director: Claude Baechtold
    Description: This 8 minute photographic animation is made up of 6500 pictures presented in chronological order with a soundtrack of two songs by the famous Iranian pop-singer, Googoosh. It tells the story of a six week journey through Afghanistan in March and April of 2002, juste after the American intervention. A historical moment was captured, when a devastated country held it's breath without daring to hope for peace. It is the visual story of this country with glitters of hope amidst chaos.

    Screening With: Siyamo Return To Kandahar The Crossing

    The Crossing

    Bay Area - San Francisco Tuesday - March 16, 2004     07:25 PM

    Year: 2002 Running Time: 91 minutes Country: The Netherlands/Germany/Denmark
    Cast: Behrouz Vossoughi, Johan Leysen, Viviane de Muynck, Mil Seegers
    Showtime: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 @ 7:25 pm Director: Nora Hoppe

    Description: The Crossing deals with the theme of exile. Not simply political, geographical exile, but an inner exile. It takes place on one day, from dawn to night, and is set in the kitchen of a boarding house and on the streets of an impervious Western European city. Bâbak fled his native country, Afghanistan, almost 20 years ago and came to live in Brussels where he sought to forget his past, his family, his craft as a gifted calligrapher and his homeland. Now retired from a menial job of cleaning railway cars, the solitary man finds his path crossed by a stranger named Sârbân who shows up in the kitchen of the shabby boarding house that morning. The day gradually becomes for Bâbak a day of reckoning with his past and with the nightmare that cut him off from who he really is. The film seeks to portray a man's solitude and inner isolation from the 'inside', through the 'state of mind' of this man as he goes through this one particular day gradually confronting his past. The element of time here is thus totally subjective. The music score has been composed and arranged by Zâher Howaida, Afghanistan's exiled music legend. The theme song, 'Beshnauw az Nai' ('Listen to the Reed', part of the opus 'Mathnawi') which was written by the great Persian poet Maulana Djalâluddin Mohammad Balkhi (Rumi) in the 13th century, deals with the pain of separation, as told by the reed flute that was cut from its stalk.

    Screening With: Sublime Afghanistan
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