List of Persian/Iranian Events for 2009-06-06

    National Iranian American Council Demystifying Democracy Workshop

    Bay Area Saturday - June 6, 2009     11:45 AM

    Demystifying Democracy:
    The Seven Ingredients of Influence

    What makes certain individuals more influential than others? What makes certain communities more powerful than others? How can the Iranian-American community translate its vast resources into influence, in order to defend its civil rights and advance their interests?

    Many in the Iranian-American community follow politics and are politically aware, but do not know how to translate that interest into action. By attending this workshop, participants will learn how to:
    • Influence policy beyond voting and donating money
    • Frame an issue for maximum impact on an intended audience
    • Write effective letters to be published by newspaper and magazine editors
    • Set-up meetings with elected officials
    • Develop a long term relationship with your lawmaker

    Representatives from NIAC will discuss the seven ingredients needed to effectively and efficiently influence policy. By utilizing our wealth of anecdotal evidence on Capitol Hill and in politics, we illustrate how each of these factors increases one’s political credit score.

    The workshop is interactive and the participants will be forced to question previously held beliefs about influence and power in the American political system, while also meeting other active Iranian Americans in the area.

    Price: $20- General Public $10- NIAC members and students $30-at the door.
    (a light lunch will be served)

    11:45 am – 12:00pm- Registration
    12:00 - 1:45 PM - Part 1
    1:45 - 2:00 PM – Assign task of “Framing”
    2:00 - 2:30 - Interactive lunch session where participants are divided into 4 groups and prepare for their presentations
    2:30 - 3:00 – Participants regroup and then present their ideas
    3:30 - 3:45 Conclusion and Q & A session
    3:45 - 4:00 - Networking and a chance to meet NIAC

    Call 202.386.6325 to reserve your spot today!

    Azeri Music and Dance with Shahla Sarokhani

    Los Angeles Saturday - June 6, 2009     08:44 PM

    A Night with Azari Songs
    Shahla Sarokhani, Anna Djanbazian, Mohammad Omranifar, Chingiz Sadykhov, Albert Vardanyan
    Event Fee: $30 - $70
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