Fifth Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies (ISIS)

Friday, May 28, 2004
Time: 08:30 AM
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Fifth Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies
The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS)
Cosponsored by
The Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS)

When: Friday, May 28 through Sunday, May 30, 2004
Where: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bethesda, MD

Shirin Ebadi will be the keynote speaker at the fifth biennial conference on Iranian studies.
Friday, May 28

8:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks

9:00-10:30 a.m., Panel 1
Women Write

Chair and Discussant: Houra Yavari, Encyclopedia Iranica

Kamran Talattof, University of Arizona
Gender, Revolution and Modernity: An Analysis of Bamdad-i Khumar, The Morning After, a Novel by F. H. S. Javadi

Amy Motlagh, Princeton University
Literary Foremothers: Iranian Women, Memoirs, and Polemics

Farideh Goldin, Author
Wedding Song: A Memoir

Gholamreza Salami, Iranian National Archive
Alim-i Niswan: A Pioneering Women’s Magazine

9:00-10:30 a.m., Panel 2
Sociology and Cultural Studies

Chair and Discussant: Gholam Reza Afkhami, Foundation for Iranian Studies

Amir Mirfakhraie, University of British Columbia
Islamic Fundamentalism: Reproducing Modernity in Iranian School Textbooks

Babak Rahimi, European University Institute
The Politics of Muharram Ceremonies in Revolutionary Iran

Keiko Sakurai, Gakushuin Women’s College
The Societal Impact of the Iranian University Entrance Examination

Liora Hendelman-Baavur, Tel Aviv University
A Persian Odyssey: Four Decades to Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s Gharbzadegi

9:00-10:30 a.m., Panel 3
New Directions in the Study of Contemporary Iranian Cinema

Chair: Richard Tapper, School of Oriental and African Studies

Christopher Gow, School of Oriental and African Studies
The Influence of Sohrab Shahid Sales on “New Iranian Cinema”

Nacim Pak, School of Oriental and African Studies
Religious Theme in Iranian Cinema

Roya Shahr-Yazdi, School of Oriental and African Studies
Creating a Dynasty: The International Reception of the Makhmalbafs

Saeed Zeydabadi-Nejad, School of Oriental and African Studies
International Success and Domestic Failure? Perceptions of Art Cinema in Iran

Discussant: Nasrin Rahimieh, McMaster University

9:00-10:30 a.m., Panel 4
Constitutional Revolution

Chair and Discussant: Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi, University of Toronto

Houri Berberian, California State University
“Our Country”: Americans, Iran, and the Constitutional Revolution

Negin Nabavi, Princeton University
Spreading the Word: The First Constitutional Press and the Shaping of a “New Era”

Mansour Bonakdarian, Hofstra University
India and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution: Crossroads of Nationalist Struggles

Ali Gheissary, University of San Diego
Family, Business, and Revolution: Tabriz and Rasht in the Constitutional Period

11:00-12:30 p.m., Panel 5
Poetry from Rumi to Sepehri

Chair and Discussant: Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, University of Washington

Jawid Mojaddedi, Rutgers University
Rumi’s Masnavi and the Qur’an

Paul E. Losensky, Indiana University
Risala-yi’ Jalaliya and the Poetics of Maktab-i vuqu’

Manijeh Mannani, University of Alberta
Defamiliarization and the Poetry of Sohrab Sepehri

11:00-12:30 p.m., Panel 6
Teaching Persian

Chair and Discussant: Mehdi Khorrami, New York University

Ramin Sarraf, University of Texas at Austin
Colloquial or Written Persian: Which Comes First in the Foreign Language Classroom?

Azita Mokhtari, University of Texas at Austin
Using Proficiency Based Communicative Approach in Teaching Persian

Michael Craig Hillmann, University of Texas at Austin
Cross-Training in Farsi and Tajiki Dialects of Persian

Dodikhudo Saymiddinov, Academcy of Sciences, Tajikistan
Relationship between Iranian and Indian Languages

11:00-12:30 p.m., Panel 7
A New Landscape for Iranian Cultural Studies

Chair and Discussant: Naghmeh Sohrabi, Harvard University

Mazyar Lotfalian, New York University
Global/Local Mediation: T’aziyah Performances in transnational Context

Nahal Naficy, Rice University
The Social Life of Miniatures

Setrag Manoukian, Universita di Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Editing and Public Space in Iran

Negar Motahedeh, Duke University
Cinematic Utopias? Fantasy and Science Fiction

11:00-12:30 p.m., Panel 8
Hybridizing Cultures, Constructing Identities

Chair and Discussant: Houra Yavari, Encyclopedia Iranica

Edward V. Rtveladze, Center for Silk Road Studies, Uzbekistan
Iran and Turan: Commonalities of Pre-Islamic History and Culture

Manoucher Parvin, Emory University
Cultural Interaction and Identity Metamorphosis: Iran-America

Daryoush Ashouri, Independent Scholar
Coining Scientific Persian

Askar Bahrami, Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Iran
The Culture of Naming Among the Bakhtiaris

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 9
Historicizing the Modernity Debate in Iran

Chair: Reza Sheikholeslami, Oxford University

Touraj Atabaki, International Institute of Social History, The Netherlands
Time, Labour-Discipline, and Modernization in Iran

Farzin Vahdat, Harvard University
Modernity and Subjectivity

Ramin Jahanbegloo, Cultural Research Institute, Tehran
Furughi and the Formation of Iranian Liberalism

Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Syracuse University
Javad Tabatabai’s Theory of Iranian Decadence

Discussant: Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi, University of Toronto

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 10
Recent Social and Cultural Transformations

Chair: Eric Hooglund, Editor of Critique

Mansoor Moaddel, Eastern Michigan University
The 2000 Iranian “Value Survey” and Social Support for Democracy

Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Virginia Tech
Dynamics of Income and Poverty in Iran: What We Can Learn from the Lessons of “2000 Panel Data”

Gholamreza Vatandoust, Shiraz University and Kouroush Kamali, Editor, Fars Encyclopedia
A Decade of Cultural Achievements in the Province of Fars

Reza Najafi, Independent Journalist
Iranian Weblogs: A Tool for Democracy

Discussant: Mehrdad Valibeigi, American University, Washington D.C.

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 11
Women’s Rights/Gender

Chair and Discussant: Mahnaz Afkhami, Foundation for Iranian Studies

Claudia Preckel, Ruhr University
Combating Female Indian Muslims’ Bad Manners and Superstitions: Hujaj al-kirama by Siddiq Hassan Khan

Zahra Tizro, University of York-U.K.
Fiqh, Marriage, and Violence against Women in Iran

Leila Piran, Catholic University of America
Gender Discrimination as an Obstacle to Promotion of Civil Society and Democracy

Maryam Rezaee, The Institute of Ismaili Studies
Gender Segregation in Iranian Schools

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 12
New Actors, New Cities: The Bases of Political Change in Iran

Chair and Discussant: Mina Marefat, Library of Congress

Azadeh Kian-Thiebaut, University of Paris VIII
Women and Youth: New Agents of Social and Political Change

Marie Ladier-Fouladi, Institut National d’Etudes Demographiques
The Socio-Demographic Construction of Iranian Youth

Marcel Bazin, University of Reims
Tehran, Istanbul, Cairo: A Comparative Study

Bernard Hourcade, Monde Iranien, CNRS
Who Are Tehranis? A Political Reading of the Social Structure of a Metropolis

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 13
Persian Epic Traditions

Chair and Discussant: Dick Davis, Ohio State University

Kishwar Rizvi, Columbia University
Representing Kingship in Early Safavid Iran: Abbas I and the 1605 Shahnamah of Firdawsi

Firuza Abdullaeva, University of Cambridge
Figuring Deities and Angels in a Shahnamah Manuscript

Nahid Pirnazar, Independent Scholar
The Biblical Epic of Fathnamah and its Place in the Iranian Literary Tradition

Isabel Heck, University of Montreal
The Death of Siavosh: From Firdawsi’s Shahnamah to Popular Accounts

4:00-5:30p.m., Panel 14
Sources for the Study of Afghanistan

Chair: Shah Mahmoud Hanifi, James Madison University

M. Jamil Hanifi, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Salnamah-’i Majallah-’i Kabul, The annual of Kabul Mgazine 1932-1990

Shah Mahmoud Hanifi, James Madison University
South Asian Colonial Archives Relating to Afghanistan

Robert D. McChesney, New York University
Creating a Digital Library of Afghan Publications

Ibrahim V. Pourhadi, Library of Congress
The Current Status of Library of Congress Holdings on Afghanistan

Discussant: H.E. Sayed Tayeb Jawad, Ambassador of Afghanistan, Washington D.C.

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 15
The Rhetoric of Biography: Narrating Lives through Prefaces, Chronicles, and Scripts

Chair: Louise Marlow, Wellesley College

Olga Davidson, ILEX Foundation
Life in the Beginnings

Amir Mahallati, ILEX Foundation
The Self and the World in the History of the World-Conqueror

Michael Cooperson, UCLA
Imam Riza and al-Ma'mun on Iranian Television

Stephen Dale, Ohio State University
Biography and Individuality: The Case of Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur, 1483-1530

Discussant: Mohsen Ashtiany, Columbia University

Sponsored by ILEX Foundation

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 16
Contemporary Iranian Cinema

Chair and Discussant: M.R. Ghanoonparvar, University of Texas at Austin

Erik Nakjavani, University of Pittsburgh
Between the Dark Earth and the Sheltering Sky: The Arboreal in Kiarostami’s Photography

Khatereh Sheibani, University of Alberta
Poetry in Cinematic Language

Faridoun Farrokh, Texas A&M International University
Narrative as Freeze-Frame: Makhmalbaf in Retrospect

Reza Poudeh, Texas Southern University
Pari: Mehrjuie’s Contemplative and Intuitive Search in J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey

8:00-9:30 p.m., Panel 17
Keynote Address, Shirin Ebadi and Abdulkarim Lahidji


8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 18
Medieval Historical Studies

Chair and Discussant: Charles Melville, Cambridge University

Najma Yousefi, Virginia Tech
The Rise and Decline of Sciences in Medieval Iran

Elizabeth Alexandrin, McGill University
Amir Abu Kalijar and the Delivery of Friday Sermon in Buyid Shiraz

Mark Luce, University of Chicago
A Fifteenth Century Member of the A‘yan: Shams al-Din Maumud b. ‘Ali Jahrumi

Barat Dahmardeh, University of Sistan and Baluchistan
Rulers of Sistan’s Forged Lineage

8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 19
Morphology and Grammar

Chair: John Perry, University of Chicago

Anousha Sedighi, University of Ottawa
Subject-Verb Agreement in Persian

Azita Taleghani, University of Arizona
Possessive Constructions in Persian

Koorosh Angali, University of California, Berkeley
On the Decipherment of Two Words in the Middle Persian Draxt i Asurig

Khodadad Rezakhani, Independent Scholar
Persian Conjunctives va and o

8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 20
Esoterics and Interpretation in Iranian Islam

Chair: Shafique Virani, Harvard University

Sajjad H. Rizvi, University of Bristol
The Art of Living Divinely: A perspective from Safavid Iran

Shafique N. Virani, Harvard University
Deciphering the Universe: The Shahada as an Islamic Tetraktys

Kambiz Ghanea Bassiri, Reed College
Beyond Aql and Naql: Intuition in the Ethics of ‘Abd al-Jabbar and Ibn al-Baqillani

Leonard Lewisohn, The Institute of Ismaili Studies- London
The “Moses of Reason” and the “Khizr of the Resurrection”: Shahrastani’s Esoteric Teachings

8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 21
Persian Historiography

Chair and Discussant: Abbas Amanat, Yale University

Charles Melville, Cambridge University
The Historian at Work: Aspects of the Organization and Composition of Medieval Persian Chronicles

Sholeh Quinn, Ohio University
Kingly Virtues in Early Modern Persian Chronicles

Ernest Tucker, US Naval Academy
The Twilight of the Persian Chronicle Tradition: writing Court Histories
During the Reigns of Muhammad Shah and Nasir al-Din Shah

Julie Meisami, Independent Scholar
Major Themes in Persian Historiography

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 22
Unintended Consequences of the Islamic Republic

Chair and Discussant: Manuchehr Dorraj, Texas Christian University

Nazanin Shahrokni, Concordia University
Women and the Politics of Municipal Elections

Ali Rezaie, University of Calgary
From Forced Islamization to Secularization: Changing Perceptions of Religiosity and Morality

Arang Keshavarzian, Concordia University
The Transformation of the China and Glassware Trade in the Bazaar of Tehran

Homa Hoodfar, Concordia University
Carving out a Political Space: Volunteer Health Workers and Building Civil Society

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 23
Anthropology and Ethnography

Chair: Anne Betteridge, University of Arizona

Mary Elaine Hegland, Santa Clara University
Iranian Village Grandmothers and the Independent Life

Babak Rahimi, European University Institute
The Bardina of Bushir and the Afro-Iranian Ceremonies of Zar

Shahin Monshipour, Monroe Community College
Bakhtiari Migration and Modernity

Nematollah Fazeli (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Anthropology in Postrevolutionary Iran

Discussant: Shahla Haeri, Boston University

10:30- 12:00 p.m., Panel 24
Qajar Inquiries

Chair and Discussant: Shireen Mahdavi, University of Utah

Sabri Ates, Iranian Studies, NY
The Sheikh, the Shah and the Sultan: The World of Ottoman-Iranian Borderland in 1880

Irina K. Pavlova, Institute of Oriental Studies, Saint-Petersburg
The Russian Businessmen in Iran in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century

Farid Mirbagheri, Intercollege, Cyprus
Ghaem Magham, Amir Kabir and Qavam al-Saltaneh and Their Impact on Iran’s Foreign Policy

Shireen Mahdavi, University of Utah
Foreign Doctors and the Andarun in Nineteenth Century Iran

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 25
Music in Postrevolutionary Iran

Chair and Discussant: Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Washington University

Ameneh Youssefzadeh, French Society for Ethnomusicology
Theocracy and the Transformation of Music since the 1979 Revolution

Wendy S. DeBano, University of California-Santa Brabara
Music and the Empowerment of Women

Niloofar Mina, New Jersey City University
Popular Music and the U.S. Government’s Media Campaign in Iran: An Ethnomusicological Exploration

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 26
Art, Culture, and Propaganda

Chair and Discussant: Shiva Balaghi, New York University

Peter Chelkowski, New York University
Zahhak, Hitler, and Sadadam: Images and Propaganda

Mahmood Khoshchereh, McMaster University
Self-Reflexivity and the Revision of History in Iranian Cinema

Ali Mohammadi, Nottingham Trent University
The Impact of Cultural Policy on Film Industry During Khatami’s Administration

Abdulhamid Keshmirshekan, University of London
Neo-Calligraphic Approach and Its Different Trends in Contemporary Iranian Painting

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 27
Globalization, Democracy and Economic Development in Iran

Chair: M. Hossein Abghari, Morehouse College

Cyrus Bina, University of Minnesota, Morris
A Double-Edged Sword: The Conundrum of Democracy and Tradition from the Pax Americana to Globalization

M. Hossein Abghari, Morehouse College
Oil Utilization, Economic Development and Democracy in Iran: A Proposed Plan for Change

Nader Asgari, State University of New York-Geneseo
How Could Reverse Brain Drain Impact Economic Development in Iran: A MultiCountry Comparison

Seyed Masoud Mousavi Shafaee, Tehran University
Globalization and the Identity of the Iranian Youth: Rupture or Transformation

Discussant: Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Virginia Tech

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 28
Urban Spaces, Urban Lives

Chair and Discussant: Mina Marefat, Library of Congress

Fariba Zarinebaf, Northwestern University
Policing Tehran in the Late Nineteenth Century

Mahshid Sehizadeh, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Architectural Transformation of the Bazaar of Hamadan

Reza Masoudi Nejad, University College London
The Morphological effects of Social Moiety on Spatial Configuration in Dizful and Shushtar

Alan Eyre, U.S. Consulate General in Dubai
Selling Air Space in Tehran: Urban Congestion and Municipal Funding

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 29
Jewish Iranian Communities

Chair and Discussant: Houman Sarshar, Center for Iranian Jewish Oral History

Mehrdad Valibeigi, American University, Washington D.C.
Jewish-Iranian Communities in Tension

Evan Siegel, Brooklyn College, N.Y.
Neoconservatives, the American Jewish Community, and Iran

Ram B. Regavim, University of Pennsylvania
Seeking Dialogue of Civilizations: Iranians, Jews, and Israelis

Trita Parsi, Johns Hopkins University
Assessing Israeli-Iranian Relations: Strategic Competition from the Power Cycle Perspective

2:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 30
Domestic and Foreign Factors in Azarbaijani Nationalism in Iran

Chair: Nayereh Tohidi, California State University, Northridge

Mashallah Razmi, Independent Scholar
The Causes of the Rise of Azarbaijani Nationalism in Iran

Hassan Javadi, George Washington University
The Historiography of Turkification of Iranian Azarbaijan

Gohar Iskandarian, Institute of Oriental Studies, Armenian National Academy of Sciences
The Role of the United States in the Problem of Iranian Azerbaijan in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Publications

Discussant: Evan Siegel, Brooklyn College, N.Y.

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 31
Literary Criticism

Chair and Discussant: M.R. Ghanoonparvar, University of Texas at Austin

Tahereh Miremadi, New School University, NY
Formal Ethics and the Constitution of Selfhood: A Ricoeurian Hermeneutics of the Text of The Adventures of Hajii Baba of Isfahan

Firoozeh Khazraie, Princeton University
Futurism and Philosophical Debates in Hedayat’s S.G.L.L.

Hanan Hammad, University of Texas at Austin
Hedayat and Egyptian Intellectuals

Jeannine M. Fontaine, University of Pennsylvania
Metaphorical Fingerprints in Persian Prose Style

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 32
Medicine and Public Health

Chair and Discussant: Ali Banuazizi, Boston College

Majid Mohammadi, State University of New York
Healthcare in Postrevolutionary Iran

Masoud Naseri, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
The Competition between Cosmopolitan and Nomadic Medical Practices among Iran’s Ethnic Minorities

Sara Moussavi, University of Maryland
Nutrition Education for Mothers in Zabol, Iran

Ali Artaman, International Health Consultant
Public Health in the Caspian Region and Central Asia

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 33
Retrospectives on the Iranian Revolution

Chair and Discussant: Eliz Sanasarian, University of Southern California

Charles Kurzman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Predicting the Iranian Revolution Retroactively

Sussan Siavoshi, Trinity University
Ayatollah Khomeini and Competing Concepts of “Freedom”

Mehrdad Mashayekhi, Georgetown University
The Rise of a Secular-Democratic Discourse in Postrevolutionary Iran

Majid Tehranian, University of Hawaii
Four Scenarios for the Future of Iran

4:00-5:30 p.m., Panel 34
Atheletics and Physical Fitness

Chair and Discussant: M. Jamil Hanifi, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Houchang Chehabi, Boston University
La Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes in Iranian Sport in the Interwar Years

Philippe Rochard, University of Strasbourg
Money is not Everything: The Astonishing Determinants of Athletic Success in Iran

Abolala Soudavar, Independent Scholar
The Zurmandi Activities of Sixteenth Century Herat

Ali Mohammad Amirtash, Teacher Training University, Tehran
Physical Fitness of Schoolboys as a Social Problem

8:00-10:00 p.m., Panel 35
Panel and Musical Performance
Poetic Expressions of Sacred Making in Persian Sufi Literature

Chair and Discussant: Paul Losensky, Indiana University

Fatemeh Keshavarz, Washington University
Shades of Bewilderment: Simurgh as the Poetic Embodiment of the Sacred in ‘Attar’s Conference of the Birds

John Renard, St. Louis University
‘Ilm and Ma‘rifat in Kashf al-Mahjub: Updating a “Classic Translation”

Nargis Virani, Washington University-St.Louis
Didactic or Dialogic? Rumi’s Poetic Appropriation of Qur’anic Pedagogy For His Magnum Opus: The Mathnawi


8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 36
Safavid Art and Administration

Chair: Sussan Babaie, University of Michigan

Colin Paul Mitchell, Dalhousie University
Chancery Dynamics during the Reign of Muhammad Khudabandah, 1578-1589

Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware
Blinded by Power: The Rise and Fall of Fath ‘Ali Khan Daghistani Grand Vizier, 1715-1720

M. Ismail Marcinkowski, International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Kuala Lampur
Safavid Administration: Additions to the Manuscript of Dastur al-muluk

Keelan Lotfin, Williams University
Mimicking Isfahan’s Architecture in Honolulu

Discussant: TBA

8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 37
Cotemporary Political Thought

Chair and Discussant: Said Amir-Arjomand State University of New York at Stony Brook

Majid Tafreshi, University of London
The Beginning of Religious Modernism in Qom: The Case of Asrar-i Hizar Salih and Humayun

Ziba Mir-Hosseini & Richard Tapper, School of Oriental and African Studies
Islamic Democracy According to Hassan Yusefi Eshkevari

Mirjam Kuenkler, Columbia University
Discursive Journeys: Aql, Velayat, and Shura

Ori Goldberg, Tel Aviv University
The Ultimate Mediator: The Concept of Law in the Thought of Ayatollah Khomeini and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic

8:30 to 10:00 a.m., Panel 38
Iran and the Iranian Cultural World as an “Other” in Academic and Popular Representations

Chair: Wali Ahmadi, University of California - Berkeley

Roksana Bahramitash, Concordia University
Looking at Iran and Iranian Women as “the Other”

Farbod Honarpisheh, Concordia University
Muslim Central Asia as an “Other” in Soviet Cinema

Amir Baradaran, McGill University
Re-Orienting the Queer and Queering the Orient

Navid Mohseni, Hamline University
Social Science Research in a Society Depicted as an “Other”

Sponsored by Critique: Critical Middle East Studies

8:30-10:00 a.m., Panel 39
Language and Society

Chair: Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, University of Washington

Behrooz Mahmoodi-Bakhtiari, Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Iran
“Wind” in the, West Iranian Languages and Dialects

Golnaz Modarresi, University of Texas at Austin
A Linguitic Investigation of Romano

Hossein Samei, Emory University
Language, Food, Animals: An Anthropolinguistic Discussion

Behrad Aghaei, University of Texas-Austin
The Syntax of Kah-Clause in Modern Persian

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 40
Roundtable on Writing a Guide to Persian Studies

Hassan Javadi, George Washington University

Jon Armajani, St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Mohammad Faghfoory, Mary Washington College

Willem Floor, Independent Scholar

Eric Hooglund, Editor of Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies

Monica Ringer, Amherst College

Sponsored by Critique: Critical Middle East Studies

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 41
Postrevolutionary Iranian Villages: Continuity and Change

Chair: Ahmad Ashraf, Columbia University

Reinhold L. Loeffler, Western Michigan University
Continuity and Change in Sisakht

Amir Ismail Ajami, University of Arizona
Transformation of the Peasantry: Shishdangi, 1967-2:00002:00

Ali Ferdowsi, College of Notre Dame de Namur
From Peasants to Entrepreneurs: Japanese Scholarship on the Political Economy of the Iranian Countryside

Hitoshi Suzuki, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo
Structural Changes and Formation of Rusta-shahr in Postrevolutionary Rural Society in Iran

Discussant: Brian Spooner, University of Pennsylvania

10:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 42
Safavid History and Culture

Chair and Discussant: TBA

Raisa I. Amirbekyan, Caucasian Center for Iranian Studies
A Safavid Diplomat and His Travel Album Miniatures

Kristine Kostikyan, Institute of Oriental Studies of National Academy of Sciences, Armenia
The Decrees of Safavid Shah Sulayman in Matenadaran Collection, Yerevan

Carim Yusef Jamali, Azad University of Isfahan
Shah Ismail and the Reestablishment of Twelver Shi’ism

Azar Gholizadeh Sarabi, Azad University of Isfahan
Women’s Social Status in Safavid Iran

10-:30-12:00 p.m., Panel 43
From Preshisotry to PreIslamic

Chair and Discussant: Julie Meisami, Independent Scholar

Mahnaz Sharifi & Kamal Aldin Niknami, University of Tehran
Paleolithic Archeology and the Existence of the First Human in Southern Coast of Caspian Sea

Bahriddin Aliev, Academcy of Sciences, Tajikistan
Sogdian Elements in Local Dialects of Zarafshon Valley

Carlo G. Cereti, University of Rome
The Boundaries of the Empire: Spatial Perceptions in the Sasanian Epoch

Touraj Daryaee, California State University
Imperial and Communal Views of Iranshahr in the Sasanian Period

1:00-3:30 p.m., Panel 44
Closing Plenary
Sponsored and Organized by the Foundation for Iranian Studies

People Centered Human Security: Global Dimensions and Iranian Perspectives

Chair: Ali Banuazizi, Boston College

Key note address by the Honorable Donna Shalala, Former Secretary of Health and
Human Services and President of the University of Miami


Farhad Kazemi, New York University
Political Participation and Human Security in Iran

Mahnaz Afkhami, Foundation for Iranian Studies
Women, Human Rights, and Security in Iran

Farrokh Najmabadi, Independent Scholar
Development and Security in Iran

Reviewed/approved by 7rooz-ahmad.


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The cult of Isis became very prominent in late antiquity, when it began to absorb the cults of many other goddesses with strong cult centers. Like other Egyptian deities, the cult of Isis spread outside Egypt, and became the focus of a centralized cult in the Hellenistic period. This is when the cult of Osiris became widespread as well. Temples to Isis began to be built outside of Egypt. In many locations, devotees of Isis considered the local goddess to be Isis, but under a different name. Thus other Mediterranean goddesses, such as Demeter, Astarte, and Aphrodite, were identified with her.

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Posted by: SH-high quality egg tray machine exporter at 2012-02-23 21:48:19

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Posted by: SH egg carton pulp moulding machine at 2012-02-28 21:36:06

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Posted by: SY0-301 at 2012-03-04 17:07:18

, kidney trays, wine packs, can trays, seed pots, seed cubes, etc. it is a satisfyingly high return investment for the entrepreneurs or investors who wants a stable and consistent business. A complete pulp molded production line consists of Stock Preparation System Section, Molding Machine Section, Continuous Drying Oven and Conveyor System, Process Instrumentation, Instrument and Control Panels, Jobsite Installation Materials, Auxiliary Equipment, etc.

Posted by: 640-802 at 2012-03-04 17:07:45

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Posted by: dd at 2012-03-04 17:20:47

product introduction: semi-automatic egg tray machine is a kind of environmental protection equipment. It can make egg box, paper egg tay, fruit tray, industrial tray and so on. The material is waste paper, which can help you save cost. We own vast experience in this line and will not let you down. Hope that we can be good partners later. It has been proven high efficiency, low maintenance and energy saving during the ten year practice. The pulp molding system can use all kinds of waste paper to produce high quality molded fibre products. Such as, egg trays, egg boxes, apple trays, meat portion trays, vegetable portion trays, fruit portion trays, strawberry punnets, kidney trays, wine packs, can trays, seed pots, seed cubes, etc. it is a satisfyingly high return investment for the entrepreneurs or investors who wants a stable and consistent business.

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Posted by: fruit tray making machine exporter at 2012-03-08 22:00:41

you save cost. We own vast experience in this line and will not let you down. Hope that we can be good partners later. It has been proven high efficiency, low maintenance and energy saving during the ten year practice. The pulp molding system can use all kinds of waste paper to produce high quality molded fibre products. Such as, egg trays, egg boxes, apple trays, meat portion trays, vegetable portion trays, fruit portion trays, strawberry punnets, kidney

Posted by: 640-802 at 2012-03-08 22:01:04

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product introduction: Our egg tray machine has great good-looking and the quality is unique, the after-sale service is outstanding among the industrial, below are the specifications: 1)Mainly producing the pulp molded products, such as egg tray, egg box, fruit tray, coffee tray. 2)Material for the molded pulp products is waste paper, corrugated paper, waste newspaper, magazine. 3)Stainless steel pulp tank, the surface of platen covered with stainless steel 4)Transferred to a flat-bed automatically.

Posted by: China paper pulp egg trays machinery at 2012-03-12 22:53:59

ng among the industrial, below are the specifications: 1)Mainly producing the pulp molded products, such as egg tray, egg box, fruit tray, coffee tray. 2)Material for the molded pulp products is waste paper, corrugated paper, waste newspaper, magazine. 3)Stainless steel pulp tank, the surface of platen covered with st

Posted by: 640-802 at 2012-03-14 01:26:01

ng among the industrial, below are the specifications: 1)Mainly producing the pulp molded products, such as egg tray, egg box, fruit tray, coffee tray. 2)Material for the molded pulp products is waste paper, corru

Posted by: SY0-301 at 2012-03-14 01:26:40

ong the industrial, below are the specifications: 1)Mainly producing the pulp molded products, such as egg tray, egg box, fruit tray, coffee tray. 2)Material for the molded pulp products is waste paper, corrugate

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product introduction: SH series automatic pulp moulding product line applies turning forming machine ,which is turning to move so that it can be used for forming mould of all kinds of shape;and it also has the shower to keep the equipment clean ;the transfer mould moves up-down and forward-backward,which can convey the product gently to the net strip for the drier,in this case ,the product will not easy to distort in the process . The drier can apply to several kings of heat ways such as gas , diesel oil,steam,heat transfer oil,coal and so on according to the demand of the customer .The features of this series of the product line consist of advanced structure , complete function ,high automatically ,esay operation and maintenance, larger application range and so forth .The turning forming machine is the equipment that has more advanced structure and the most complete functions .

Posted by: SH series automatic pulp egg tray machine at 2012-03-24 18:14:43

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Posted by: recycling waste paper egg tray machine at 2012-04-15 00:03:23

product introduction: SH series egg tray making machine features of high efficiency, low maintenance and energy saving during the ten year practice. The pulp molding system can use all kinds of waste paper to produce high quality molded fiber products. Such as, egg boxes, apple trays, meat portion trays, vegetable portion trays, fruit portion trays, strawberry punnets , kidney trays, wine packs, can trays, seed cubes, ect.

Posted by: recycling waste paper egg tray machine at 2012-04-15 00:47:30

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Posted by: EPE foam board extrusion machinery at 2012-04-17 23:00:27

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product introduction: EPE foam sheet extrusion line can make different foam sheet width and thickness according to customer requirement. Meanwhile, it can also make foam pipe, foam net, foam rod, foam profile and so on through changing mould and machine parts. EPE foam sheet has the features of dampproof , shockproof, soundproof, heat preservation and good plasticity. After laminating, the foam sheet will get high dampproof performance. This products are mainly used for placing under floor.

Posted by: polyethylene EPE foam sheet extrusion line at 2012-04-25 23:41:10

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Posted by: pe pipes at 2012-04-26 17:52:14

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Posted by: louisvuitton at 2012-05-04 02:43:32

product introduction: the knotless net machine is used to produce net automatically in one process from plastic raw material. It produces different materials, according to different specifications, like multi-functional canister net and flat net. It is also can be used in net bags for high-grade electrical air filtration, mariculture, alcoholic decorative, fruit, vegetables and other products. The costs are only half of woven net bags, and is a good replacement for traditional ones. main technilcal parameter: Material: PE Product: Shower ball, fruit and vegetable packing net, flower net Power: 35KW Screw L/D: 25:1 Manpower needed: one person Layout: 10.0X3.0X2.0m

Posted by: PE knotless net machinery exporter at 2012-05-05 00:41:44

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Posted by: モンクレール at 2012-12-26 00:12:42

カナダグースその後、私はそれは私が薄いキュウリになぞらえを意味するものではないと言った!あなたがあああなカナダグースたが間違った単語を参照してください!彼女は次の喜喜笑う。その後、私は以前に彼女に手紙を書いて、その後、彼女は言った: "あなたは家に帰って見て"私の妹と彼女の手紙をつかみ、彼女の息子が奪われ、私はカナダグースダウン家に帰った。次の日、私は再び出かけた夜に散歩して、彼女を見た。 我々は、日間となりますチャット、彼女が実際に言った: "明日は歩いて:"まあ、私が言う!カナダグースダウンポイントは、 "彼女は家の中に静かに。6:30、まあ、私は明日お会いしましょう??と言って静かにドアを閉めた。兄と一緒なので、両親は地下小屋で、私を制御する方法を私のベッドにしない睡眠は、本をカナダグースセール見ていき、その後すぐにライトを消して、寝て、私は朝食を食べて、早起きした翌日はその後6時00分で、私は彼女を待って交差点に乗るアールを開始し、彼女がカナダグースセール来て、我々は車に乗って素早く学校へ走った。

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